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Variability of white poplar clones in a nursery trial

dc.creatorNonić, Marina
dc.creatorKerkez-Janković, Ivona
dc.creatorAleksić, Jelena M.
dc.creatorIgić, Dušan
dc.creatorŠijačić-Nikolić, Mirjana
dc.description.abstractU ovom radu je u dvogodišnjem rasadničkom testu praćena morfološka varijabilnost autohtonih neregistrovanih eksperimentalnih klonova L-12, L-80 i L-100 bele topole i registrovanog referentnog klona Villafranca. Najbolji prijem reznica i preživljavanje ožiljenica tokom dva vegetaciona perioda ustanovljeni su kod klona L-12. Visina ožiljenica ovog klona bila je približna visini ožiljenica klona Villafranca na kraju prvog vegetacionog perioda (ožiljenice tipa 1/1), i nešto manja na kraju drugog vegetacionog perioda (ožiljenice tipa 1/2). Klonovi L-12 i Villafranca, koji su se razlikovali u prečniku na 10 cm od osnove izdanka tokom obe godine, odlikovali su se najvećim vrednostima prečnika ožiljenica oba tipa. Čepovanje je imalo najveći pozitivan efekat na povećanje visine i prečnika kod klona L-100, dok je za proizvodnju kvalitetnih ožiljenica klona L-80 neophodna dalja optimizacija.SR
dc.description.abstractIn this paper, the morphological variability of autochthonous unregistered experimental white poplar clones, L-12, L-80 and L-100, and the registered reference clone Villafranca were monitored in a two-year nursery trial. The highest percentage of rooting of cuttings and survival of rooted cuttings were recorded for clone L-12, during the two growing seasons. The height of rooted cuttings of L-12 was almost identical to that of Villafranca during the first growing season (rooted cuttings 1/1), and slightly lower, in comparison to Villafranca, after the second growing season (rooted cuttings 1/2). The L-12 and Villafranca clones, which differed in diameter at 10th cm from shoot base, during both years, had the highest values of the diameter of rooted cuttings of both types. Coppicing appears to have an exceptionally positive effect on the increase in both height and diameter in clone L-100, while the production of quality rooted cuttings of L-80 requires further optimization.EN
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31041/RS//
dc.sourceGlasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
dc.subjectPopulus alba L.SR
dc.subjectožiljenice tipa 1/1 i 1/2SR
dc.subjectmorfološke karakteristikeSR
dc.subjectklonska tehnologijaSR
dc.subjectrooted cuttings 1/1 and 1/2EN
dc.subjectPopulus alba L.EN
dc.subjectmorphological featuresEN
dc.subjectclonal technologyEN
dc.titleVarijabilnost klonova bele topole u rasadničkom testuSR
dc.titleVariability of white poplar clones in a nursery trialEN
dc.citation.other(120): 131-150

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