Potential of natural attenuation processes in environmental contamination by petroleum hydrocarbons
Once released in the environment, petroleum hydrocarbons can be long-term sources of contamination. The main advantage of bioremediation compared to conventional remediation treatments is its reduced cost. Natural attenuation is the passive bioremediation approach that relies on natural processes to reduce contamination. This study provides insight into the natural attenuation processes in groundwater in the alluvial deposits of the Zapadna Morava River (the site of historical contamination by kerosene in Vitanovac, Kraljevo, Serbia). Monitoring was performed in the direction of groundwater flow, downgradient from the source of contamination. Groundwater samples were analyzed for the following parameters: total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), O-2, NO3-, Mn, Fe and SO42-. TPH concentrations declined in groundwater across the site, and were accompanied by increasing concentrations of electron acceptors (O-2, NO3-, SO42-) and decreasing concentrations of metabolic products of biodegradation... (Mn, Fe). The observed trends provide strong evidence of the activity of different biodegradation mechanisms at this site (aerobic respiration, nitrate reduction, reduction of manganese (IV), reduction of iron (III) and sulfate reduction). The results obtained confirm the natural occurrence of aerobic and anaerobic biodegradation mechanisms in this phreatic aquifer contaminated by petroleum hydrocarbons 20 years ago. However, use of natural attenuation as a cost-effective remediation alternative depends on its capacity to ensure protection of public health, safety and the environment.
Кључне речи:
petroleum hydrocarbons / natural attenuation processes / groundwater / biodegradationИзвор:
Soil and Water Resources Protection in the Changing Environment, 2018, 45, 44-53Финансирање / пројекти:
- Симултана биоремедијација и соилификација деградираних простора, за очување природних ресурса биолошки активних супстанци и развој и производњу биоматеријала и дијететских производа (RS-MESTD-Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)-43004)
- Геолошка и екотоксиколошка истраживања у идентификацији геопатогених зона токсичних елемената у акумулацијама воде за пиће - истраживање метода и поступака смањивања утицаја биогеохемијских аномалија (RS-MESTD-Basic Research (BR or ON)-176018)
Šumarski fakultetTY - CONF AU - Marić, Nenad AU - Nikić, Zoran PY - 2018 UR - https://omorika.sfb.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/978 AB - Once released in the environment, petroleum hydrocarbons can be long-term sources of contamination. The main advantage of bioremediation compared to conventional remediation treatments is its reduced cost. Natural attenuation is the passive bioremediation approach that relies on natural processes to reduce contamination. This study provides insight into the natural attenuation processes in groundwater in the alluvial deposits of the Zapadna Morava River (the site of historical contamination by kerosene in Vitanovac, Kraljevo, Serbia). Monitoring was performed in the direction of groundwater flow, downgradient from the source of contamination. Groundwater samples were analyzed for the following parameters: total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), O-2, NO3-, Mn, Fe and SO42-. TPH concentrations declined in groundwater across the site, and were accompanied by increasing concentrations of electron acceptors (O-2, NO3-, SO42-) and decreasing concentrations of metabolic products of biodegradation (Mn, Fe). The observed trends provide strong evidence of the activity of different biodegradation mechanisms at this site (aerobic respiration, nitrate reduction, reduction of manganese (IV), reduction of iron (III) and sulfate reduction). The results obtained confirm the natural occurrence of aerobic and anaerobic biodegradation mechanisms in this phreatic aquifer contaminated by petroleum hydrocarbons 20 years ago. However, use of natural attenuation as a cost-effective remediation alternative depends on its capacity to ensure protection of public health, safety and the environment. C3 - Soil and Water Resources Protection in the Changing Environment T1 - Potential of natural attenuation processes in environmental contamination by petroleum hydrocarbons EP - 53 SP - 44 VL - 45 UR - conv_1409 ER -
@conference{ author = "Marić, Nenad and Nikić, Zoran", year = "2018", abstract = "Once released in the environment, petroleum hydrocarbons can be long-term sources of contamination. The main advantage of bioremediation compared to conventional remediation treatments is its reduced cost. Natural attenuation is the passive bioremediation approach that relies on natural processes to reduce contamination. This study provides insight into the natural attenuation processes in groundwater in the alluvial deposits of the Zapadna Morava River (the site of historical contamination by kerosene in Vitanovac, Kraljevo, Serbia). Monitoring was performed in the direction of groundwater flow, downgradient from the source of contamination. Groundwater samples were analyzed for the following parameters: total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), O-2, NO3-, Mn, Fe and SO42-. TPH concentrations declined in groundwater across the site, and were accompanied by increasing concentrations of electron acceptors (O-2, NO3-, SO42-) and decreasing concentrations of metabolic products of biodegradation (Mn, Fe). The observed trends provide strong evidence of the activity of different biodegradation mechanisms at this site (aerobic respiration, nitrate reduction, reduction of manganese (IV), reduction of iron (III) and sulfate reduction). The results obtained confirm the natural occurrence of aerobic and anaerobic biodegradation mechanisms in this phreatic aquifer contaminated by petroleum hydrocarbons 20 years ago. However, use of natural attenuation as a cost-effective remediation alternative depends on its capacity to ensure protection of public health, safety and the environment.", journal = "Soil and Water Resources Protection in the Changing Environment", title = "Potential of natural attenuation processes in environmental contamination by petroleum hydrocarbons", pages = "53-44", volume = "45", url = "conv_1409" }
Marić, N.,& Nikić, Z.. (2018). Potential of natural attenuation processes in environmental contamination by petroleum hydrocarbons. in Soil and Water Resources Protection in the Changing Environment, 45, 44-53. conv_1409
Marić N, Nikić Z. Potential of natural attenuation processes in environmental contamination by petroleum hydrocarbons. in Soil and Water Resources Protection in the Changing Environment. 2018;45:44-53. conv_1409 .
Marić, Nenad, Nikić, Zoran, "Potential of natural attenuation processes in environmental contamination by petroleum hydrocarbons" in Soil and Water Resources Protection in the Changing Environment, 45 (2018):44-53, conv_1409 .