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Contribution to the interpretation of the role of geoenvironment in extreme discharges of the rosomačk river - visok kraj

dc.creatorNikić, Zoran
dc.creatorRistić, Ratko
dc.creatorMarić, Nenad
dc.creatorMilčanović, Vukašin
dc.description.abstractPrilog tumačenju uloge geosredine u formiranju ekstremnih proticaja Rosomačke reke pruža egzaktne i empirijske dokaze o značajnosti i potrebi njenog poznavanja. Za hidrološki neizučene vodotoke, pogotovu za one koji nemaju kontinuitet proticaja, poznavanje uloge geosredine u nastajanju njihovih ekstremnih proticaja doprinosi realnijem odgovoru na praktična pitanja upravljanja rečnim vodama, zaštiti od neželjenog dejstva voda, definisanja ekološkog aspekta vodotoka pod uticajem različitih promena u bliskoj budućnosti (klimatskih, antropogenih, hidroloških), očuvanju kvaliteta rečnih voda, ispunjavanju zahteva Okvirne direktive EU o vodama 2000. Cilj rada je bolje razumevanje rečnih sistema i njihovih oticaja u vidu velikih i malih voda ili potpunog presušivanja hidrološki neizučenih ali i hidrološki izučenih vodotoka, a kroz prikaz uloge geosredine. Na konkretnom primeru Rosomačke reke, hidrološki neizučenog vodotoka, istaknut je značaj geosredine u tumačenju njenih ekstremnih proticaja. Analiziran je doprinos sledećih elemenata geosredine slivnog područja: litološkog, neotektonskog, hidrogeološkog i morfološkog. Metod istraživanja je zasnovan na terenskim istraživanjima, kvantitativnoj geomorfološkoj analizi, sistematizaciji i sintezi dobijenih rezultata, kao i analizi publikovanih radova. Takođe, doprinos se ogleda u isticanju potrebe komunikacije između stučnjaka različitih specijalnosti koji se bave hidrografskim sistemima.SR
dc.description.abstractAnnex to the interpretation of the role of geoenvironment in the formation of extreme discharges of the Rosomačka River provides exact and empirical evidence of the significance and the need for its knowledge. For hydrologically unstudied watercourses, especially for those which do not have continuity of discharges, the knowledge of the role of geoenvironment in the emergence of their extreme discharges contributes to a more realistic response to practical water management issues, protection against adverse effects of waters, defining the ecological aspect of watercourses under the influence of various changes in the near future (climatic, anthropogenic, hydrological), preserving the quality of river water, meeting the requirements of the EU Water Framework Directive 2000. The aim of the paper is to understand better the river systems and their runoffs in the form of high and low waters or complete drying up of hydrologically unstudied but also of hydrologically studied watercourses, and through the representation of the role of geoenvironment. On the concrete example of the Rosomačka River, a hydrologically unstudied watercourse, the significance of geoenvironment in the interpretation of its extreme discharges was emphasized. The contribution of the following elements of geoenvironment of the basin area was analyzed: lithological, neotectonic, hydrogeological and morphological. The research method is based on field research, quantitative geomorphological analysis, systematization and synthesis of the obtained results, as well as the analysis of published papers. Additionally, the contribution is reflected in emphasizing the need for communication between experts of various specialties dealing with hydrographic systems.EN
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
dc.sourceGlasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
dc.subjectStara planinaSR
dc.subjectRosomačka rekaSR
dc.subjectneizučen vodotokSR
dc.subjectekstremni proticajSR
dc.subjectunstudied watercourseEN
dc.subjectthe Rosomačka RiverEN
dc.subjectStara planinaEN
dc.subjectextreme dischargeEN
dc.titlePrilog tumačenju uloge geosredine u ekstremnim proticajima rosomačke reke - visok krajSR
dc.titleContribution to the interpretation of the role of geoenvironment in extreme discharges of the rosomačk river - visok krajEN
dc.citation.other(118): 87-112



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