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Reliability of information on the growing stock as the base of real forest management planning

dc.creatorBanković, Staniša
dc.creatorMedarević, Milan
dc.creatorPantić, Damjan
dc.description.abstractU ovom radu analiziran je uticaj pouzdanosti informacija koje se odnose na površinu šumskog fonda i visinu drvnog inventara na planove gazdovanja šumama, a pre svega na plan iskorišćavanja šuma. Konstatovano je da svaka improvizacija prilikom praktičnih radova na uređivanju šuma za posledicu ima stvaranje nepouzdanog informacionog osnova iz kojeg proizilaze nerealni i stanju šuma neprimereni planovi gazdovanja. U takvim situacijama, bez obzira na finansijske izdatke, mora se pristupiti reviziji planskih dokumenata. U suprotnom, realizacija planova zasnovanih na nekorektno utvrđenom stanju šuma ostavlja za sobom znatno kompleksnije posledice, za čije je saniranje, ukoliko je to u opšte moguće, u toku dugog vremenskog perioda potrebno angažovati znatno veći stručni i finansijski potencijal.sr
dc.description.abstractThe reliability of information on the growing stock state is the basic prerequisite of real forest management plans. In this sense, practical works on forest management, including data processing, which creates the information base in forestry, should be carried out in the most correct way, disregarding the numerous problems (subjective and objective) which result from the conditions in which the works are performed. Improvisations in any phase of the works, as illustrated by the example presented in this paper, create a wrong idea on the forest state, which further results in unreal and inadequate forest management plans. In all situations in which the data in plan documents do not agree with the real forest state, disregarding the increased financial expenditures, the works on forest management should be revised and plan documents should be made. In this way, we eliminate the potential consequences which would result from the realisation of the planed works based on unreal forest state, which would be reflected both in the economic and in the ecological senses, without the possibility to remove the consequences in a short time period.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
dc.sourceGlasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
dc.subjectstanje šumskog fondasr
dc.subjectpouzdanost informacijasr
dc.subjectplanovi gazdovanja šumamasr
dc.subjectstate of the growing stocken
dc.subjectinformation reliabilityen
dc.subjectforest management plansen
dc.titlePouzdanost informacija o šumskom fondu kao osnov realnog planiranja gazdovanja šumamasr
dc.titleReliability of information on the growing stock as the base of real forest management planningen
dc.citation.other(86): 67-79



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