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Cooperation in the climate change mitigation in forestry and nature protection at different levels of governance

dc.creatorNonić, Dragan
dc.creatorStanišić, Mirjana
dc.creatorNedeljković, Jelena
dc.creatorRanković, Nenad
dc.description.abstractUblažavanje negativnih efekata klimatskih promena predstavlja odgovornost brojnih institucija i organizacija u Srbiji, na različitim nivoima upravljanja, pa je, samim tim, neophodno da one između sebe i sa drugim zainteresovanim stranama, sarađuju. Cilj rada je utvrđivanje postojanja saradnje u ublažavanju negativnih efekata klimatskih promena u šumarstvu i zaštiti prirode, na različitim nivoima upravljanja u Srbiji. Primarni podaci su prikupljeni u periodu novembar 2016. - mart 2017. god., sprovođenjem 34 intervjua, sa predstavnicima institucija i organizacija u šumarstvu i zaštiti prirode na nacionalnom, regionalnom i lokalnom nivou upravljanja, koje se bave pitanjima u vezi sa ublažavanjem negativnih efekata klimatskih promena. Korišćena su tri upitnika (za svaki nivo posebno), sastavljena od pet grupa pitanja. Ustanovljeni su različitih oblici saradnje na različitim nivoima upravljanja, kroz razmenu informacija i edukaciju, razmenu mašina i opreme, finansijsku saradnju i dr. Međutim, na nacionalnom nivou, ne postoji sistemski organizovan proces izveštavanja između institucija u vezi sa pitanjem klimatskih promena, kao ni na regionalnom nivou. Na lokalnom nivou, postoji delimično uspostavljen sistem saradnje između nacionalnog nivoa i lokalne samouprave, ali ona nije isključivo vezana za pitanje ublažavanja negativnih efekata klimatskih promena.sr
dc.description.abstractClimate change mitigation is the responsibility of many institutions and organizations in Serbia at different levels of governance, and therefore, it is necessary for them to cooperate with each other and with other stakeholders. The aim of the paper is to determine the existence of cooperation in climate change mitigation in forestry and nature protection at different levels of governance in Serbia. Primary data were collected in the period November 2016 - March 2017. Thirty-four interviews were conducted with representatives of institutions and organizations in forestry and nature protection at the national, regional and local level of governance, dealing with issues related to climate change mitigation. Three questionnaires were used (for each level separately), composed of five question groups. Various forms of cooperation have been established at different levels of governance, through exchange of information and education, machinery and equipment exchange, financial cooperation, etc. However, there is no systemically organized reporting process between institutions on climate change issues at the national level, nor at the regional level. At the local level, there is a partially established system of cooperation between the national level and local self-government, but it is not exclusively related to the issue of climate change mitigation.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/43007/RS//
dc.sourceGlasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
dc.subjectzaštita prirodesr
dc.subjectnivoi upravljanjasr
dc.subjectklimatske promenesr
dc.subjectnature protectionen
dc.subjectgovernance levelsen
dc.subjectclimate changeen
dc.titleSaradnja u ublažavanju negativnih efekata klimatskih promena u šumarstvu i zaštiti prirode na različitim nivoima upravljanjasr
dc.titleCooperation in the climate change mitigation in forestry and nature protection at different levels of governanceen
dc.citation.other(116): 99-140



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