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Urban nature as a response to stress of urban population

dc.creatorVujčić, Maja
dc.creatorTomićević-Dubljević, Jelena
dc.description.abstractStanovnici urbanih sredina, posebno mlađa populacija, u svom svakodnevnom životu odrekli su se nekih zdravih navika, između ostalog da provode svoje slobodno vreme napolju, boraveći u gradskim šumama i parkovima. U cilju analize i razumevanja uticaja urbanih zelenih prostora na smanjenje psihološkog stresa i unapređenje mentalnog blagostanja stanovnika, sprovedena je posebna studija. Učesnici su bili studenti-volonteri Šumarskog fakulteta u Beogradu (n = 47), koji su metodom slučajnog uzorka raspoređeni u studijsku i kontrolnu grupu i pomoću posebne skale za procenu negativnih emocija (DASS 21) testirani na psihološki stres. Istraživanje je sprovedeno u Arboretumu Šumarkog fakulteta, koji je izabran kao posebna lokacija i isceljujuće okruženje sa visokim diverzitetom biljnih vrsta. Za vreme pauze u periodu učenja studijska grupa je boravila u Aboretumu, dok je kontronla grupa boravila unutar Fakulteta. Nakon intervencije, prema ukupnom rezultatu testiranja, studijska grupa je zabeležila značajnije smanjenje stresa u odnosu na kontrolnu (F1.45 = 3.781; r lt .058). Rezultati studije su pokazali da urbani zeleni prostori, mogu imati važnu ulogu u poboljšanju mentalnog zdravlja i predstavljati idealni odgovor na stres urbane
dc.description.abstractIn everyday life, urban residents, especially the younger population, have given up some healthy habits of spending their free time outdoors in urban forests or parks. This study was conducted in order to understand how urban nature might help in reducing psychological stress and improving mental wellbeing. The participants were volunteer students of the Faculty of Forestry in Belgrade (n=47). These students were randomly recruited in the study and control group and self-tested using DASS 21 scale. The Arboretum of the Faculty of Forestry represented a research location and a special healing environment with a high variety of species. The study group stayed at the Arboretum during the study break period, while a control group was inside the Faculty. After the intervention, a slightly greater reduction in stress scale on the total score was recorded in the study group (F1.45 = 3.781; r lt .058). This study has shown that urban green areas can have a positive impact on the mental well-being and reveal their role as a great response to the stress from urban population.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
dc.sourceGlasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
dc.subjecturbani zeleni prostorisr
dc.subjectstres i mentalno blagostanjesr
dc.subjectDASS 21sr
dc.subjectArboretum Šumarskog fakultetasr
dc.subjecturban green areasen
dc.subjectthe city of Belgradeen
dc.subjectthe Arboretum of the Faculty of Forestryen
dc.subjectstress and mental well-beingen
dc.subjectDASS 21en
dc.titleZelenilo kao odgovor na stres urbane populacijesr
dc.titleUrban nature as a response to stress of urban populationen
dc.citation.other(115): 185-198

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