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Regression models for the assessment of volume increment percentage in pure and mixed stands of beech and sessile oak in Serbia

dc.creatorBanković, Staniša
dc.creatorJović, Dušan
dc.creatorMedarević, Milan
dc.creatorPantić, Damjan
dc.description.abstractStatističkim metodama (regresiona i korelaciona analiza) istraživana je zavisnost između procenta zapreminskog prirasta u čistim i mešovitim sastojinama bukve i hrasta kitnjaka u Srbiji s jedne, i broja stabala po hektaru, prečnika srednjeg sastojinskog stabla po preseku, visine srednjeg sastojinskog stabla po preseku i učešća u smesi, s druge strane. Za svaku vrstu drveća testirana su po četiri regresiona modela, a na osnovu relevantnih statističkih pokazatelja, ocene stepena komplikovanosti modela, kao i stepena slaganja između tabličnih i 'stvarnih' vrednosti procenta zapreminskog prirasta, izvršen je definitivni izbor regresionog modela za određivanje procenta zapreminskog prirasta za bukvu i kitnjak u Srbiji.. Na ovaj način primena metoda procenta prirasta za određivanje zapreminskog prirasta sastojine u mnogome je olakšana i učinjena još ekonomičnijom u odnosu na druge metode.sr
dc.description.abstractStatistic methods (regression and correlation analysis) were applied in the study of dependence between the percentage of volume increment in pure and mixed stands of beech and sessile oak in Serbia on the one hand, and the number of trees per hectare, diameter of mean stand tree per cross section, height of mean stand tree per cross section and the percentage in the mixture, on the other hand. Four regression models were tested for each tree species. Based on the relevant statistic parameters, assessment of the degree of model complication, as well as the degree of agreement between the tabular and 'actual' values of volume increment percentage, the definite regression model was selected for the assessment of volume increment percentage for beech and sessile oak in Serbia. In this way, the application of the method of increment percentage for the determination of stand volume increment has been made much easier and more economic, compared to other methods.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
dc.sourceGlasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
dc.subjectregresioni modelsr
dc.subjectprocenat zapreminskog prirastasr
dc.subjectčiste i mešovite sastojine hrasta kitnjakasr
dc.subjectčiste i mešovite sastojine bukvesr
dc.subjectregression modelen
dc.subjectpure and mixed stands of sessile oaken
dc.subjectpure and mixed stands of beechen
dc.subjectpercentage of volume incrementen
dc.titleRegresioni modeli procenta zapreminskog prirasta u čistim i mešovitim sastojinama bukve i hrasta kitnjaka u Srbijisr
dc.titleRegression models for the assessment of volume increment percentage in pure and mixed stands of beech and sessile oak in Serbiaen
dc.citation.other(83): 21-31



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