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Improving the environment using the concept of integrated erosion control: Case study of Kalimanska river watershed

dc.creatorRistić, Ratko
dc.creatorPolovina, Siniša
dc.creatorMalušević, Ivan
dc.creatorRistić, Mila
dc.creatorMilčanović, Vukašin
dc.description.abstractBujične poplave predstavljaju najčešću pojavu iz arsenala prirodnih rizika u Srbiji, kada je reč o ljudskim žrtvama i materijalnim gubicima. Javljaju se u ruralnim i urbanim sredinama, pod dominantnim uticajem prirodnih faktora. Antropogeni faktor znatno doprinosi njihovom intenzitetu, naročito aktivnostima kojima dolazi do degradacije vegetacionog pokrivača i zemljišta. Međutim, moguće je i minimizirati destruktivnost bujičnih poplava ljudskim aktivnostima kao što su: planiranje i korišćenje prostora na potencijalno rizičnim slivovima; pošumljavanje goleti i melioracije degradiranih šuma, livada i pašnjaka; primena odgovarajućih tehnika obrade zemljišta; primena mera agrošumarstva; protiveroziona zaštita slivova. Bioinženjerski radovi na padinama slivova dovode do poboljšanja efekata intercepcije, infiltracije i retencije. Uspešno izvedeni protiverozioni radovi značajno redukuju uticaj prirodnih faktora i znatno smanjuju nepovoljne antropogene
dc.description.abstractTorrential floods are the most frequent phenomenon in the arsenal of natural hazards in Serbia, being the first when it comes to losses, causing huge damage and the loss of human lives. Torrential events are characteristic both in rural and urban areas. Appearance of torrential floods is mostly out of man control. Man made hazard could be increased by irresponsible activities concerning land use or decreased with preventive activities: spatial planning in endangered watersheds; afforestation of bare lands, amelioration of degraded forests, meadows and pastures; appropriate agricultural techniques; application of agroforestry; erosion control measures and torrent training works. Soil bioengineering works in the headwaters lead to improvement of interception effects and infiltration retention capacity of soil. Performing of erosion and torrent control works in the watershed could be the way for decreasing of natural hazard partly and seriously control of man- made hazard.en
dc.publisherZavod za zaštitu prirode, Beograd
dc.sourceZaštita prirode
dc.subjectprotiverozioni radovisr
dc.subjectprodukcija erozionog materijalasr
dc.subjectnačin korišćenja zemljištasr
dc.subjectmaksimalni proticajsr
dc.subjectbujične poplavesr
dc.subjecttorrential floodsen
dc.subjectsediment yielden
dc.subjectmaximal dischargeen
dc.subjectland useen
dc.subjecterosion and torrent controlen
dc.titleUnapređenje stanja životne sredine primenom koncepta integralne protiverozione zaštite na primeru sliva Kalimanske rekesr
dc.titleImproving the environment using the concept of integrated erosion control: Case study of Kalimanska river watersheden
dc.citation.other66(1): 15-22

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