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Height and root-collar diameter growth variability of European beech provenances from southeast Europe

dc.creatorStojnić, Srđan
dc.creatorOrlović, Saša
dc.creatorTrudić, Branislav
dc.creatorKesić, Lazar
dc.creatorStanković, Milena
dc.creatorŠijačić-Nikolić, Mirjana
dc.description.abstractVarijabilnost visinskog rasta i prečnika u zoni korenovog vrata kod devet provenijencija bukve poreklom iz jugoistočne Evrope je ispitivano u provenijeničnim testovima osnovanim na dva lokaliteta - Fruška gora i Debeli Lug. Provenijenični ogledi su osnovani u proleće 2007. godine i organizovani po slučajnom blok sistemu. Rezultati su prezentovani za starost sadnica od 10 godina. Prosečne visine sadnica su iznosile 267.2 cm i 230.8 cm na Fruškoj gori i u Debelom Lugu, kod svakog ponaosob, dok su prosečne vrednosti prečnika u zoni korenovog vrata bile 49.09 mm, odnosno 33.53 mm. Statistički značajne razlike su utvrđene između provenijencija (p lt 0.001) i lokaliteta (p lt 0.001). Dve od devet provenijencija (RS60 i RS69) su menjale rang u pogledu vrednosti visina na dva lokaliteta. Najveća prosečna visina sadnica je u oba testa konstatovana kod srpske provenijencije RS67 (302.4 cm u ogledu na Fruškoj gori i 268.4 cm u ogledu u Debelom Lugu). Ista provenijencija se karakterisala i najvećim prosečnim prečnikom u zoni korenovog vrata, koji je na Fruškoj gori iznosio 55.9 mm, a u Debelom Lugu 39.6 mm. Rezultati istraživanja su značajni sa aspekta oplemenjivanja bukve i konzervacije genetičkih resursa vrste.sr
dc.description.abstractVariation in seedlings height and diameter in the zone of root collar of nine European beech provenances from southeast Europe was examined at two trial sites in Serbia (Fruška Gora and Debeli Lug). Provenance trials were established during the spring of 2007 and arranged in randomized complete block design. Results are presented for the seedlings age of 10 years. Provenance means for the studied traits were 267.2 cm and 49.09 mm at site Fruška Gora; and 230.8 cm and 33.53 mm, at site Debeli Lug, respectively. Significant site (p lt 0.001) and provenance (p lt 0.001) effects were detected in the studied traits. Two out of nine provenances (RS60 and RS69) changed their ranks in height growth across the two sites. The greatest mean value for height growth, at both trial sites, was observed in Serbian provenance RS67 (302.4 cm and 268.4 cm, respectively). The same provenance had the highest mean values of diameter in the zone of root collar (55.9 mm and 39.6 mm, respectively), as well. The presented provenance research results are important for future activities on tree breeding and conservation of the European beech genetic pools.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu - Institut za nizijsko šumarstvo i životnu sredinu, Novi Sad
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/43002/RS//
dc.subjectprovenijenični testsr
dc.subjectprovenance trialen
dc.subjectheight growthen
dc.subjectEuropean beechen
dc.subjectdiameter growthen
dc.titleVarijabilnost visina i prečnika sadnica različitih provenijencija bukve poreklom iz jugoistočne Evropesr
dc.titleHeight and root-collar diameter growth variability of European beech provenances from southeast Europeen
dc.citation.other(197-198): 5-14



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