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Variability of the width of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziessii /Mirb./Franco) needles in provenance tests

dc.creatorLavadinović, Vera
dc.creatorLavadinović, Vukan
dc.creatorPoduška, Zoran
dc.creatorKabiljo, Milan
dc.description.abstractIntrodukovane vrsta drveća, koje imaju širok spektar prirodnog areala, treba da bude testirane u ogledu sa različitim provenijencijama. Duglazija je veoma produktivna četinarska vrste u svojim prirodnim šuma Amerike i Kanade. Zbog svoje visoke vrednosti ona je najpopularnija u zemljama Evrope i Novom Zelandu, kao odgovarajuća vrsta četinara za potrebe pošumljavanja. Genetika i ekološka adaptivnost mogu biti potvrdjeni ispitivanjem morfoloških promenljivih karakteristika, koji su i cilj ovog istraživanja. Karakteristike i četina i morfologija je veoma važna za biljne funkcije. Struktura četina su sa značajnim uticajem na životni ciklus biljaka i otpornost na gubitak vode, balans temperature i nivoa CO2. Karakteristike četina i morfologija, analizirani su u cilju da prepoznaju da li postoje razlike između istraživanih provenijencija. Dva eksperimentalna ogleda sa dvadeset provenijencija duglazije su osnovana u Srbiji sa orginalnim semenskim materijalom iz Severne Amerike. Dvofaktorijalna analiza varijanse imala je za cilj bliže ispita efekta interakcije uslova staništa provenijencija duglazije u ogledima u Srbiji na morfološke karakteristike četina.sr
dc.description.abstractIntroduced tree species which have a wide natural range of distribution should be tested in experiments with different provenances. Douglas-fir is a very productive conifer species in its natural forest stands of America and Canada. Because of its high value, it is very popular in the countries of Europe and New Zealand as a conifer species suitable for reforestation. Its genetics and ecological adaptability can be confirmed by the investigations of its variable morphological traits, which is the aim of this research. Needle characteristics and needle morphology play a very important role in the performance of plant functions. Needle structure has a great influence on the plant life-cycle and their resistance to water loss, temperature and CO2 levels. The characteristics and morphology of needles were studied in order to determine whether there are differences between the provenances. Two experimental plots with twenty Douglas-fir provenances originally from North America were established in Serbia. A two-way analysis of variance was aimed at a closer study of the effects of the interaction of the site conditions of Douglas-fir provenances in the test locations in Serbia on the morphological traits of the needles.en
dc.publisherInstitut za šumarstvo, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/43007/RS//
dc.sourceSustainable Forestry: Collection
dc.subjectširina četinasr
dc.subjectwidth of needlesen
dc.titleVarijabilnost širine četina duglazije (Pseudotsuga menziessii /Mirb./Franco) u provenijeničnim testovimasr
dc.titleVariability of the width of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziessii /Mirb./Franco) needles in provenance testsen
dc.citation.other(73-74): 1-9



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