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Keyeconomic aspect s of forestry development in the area of the Kolubara district

dc.creatorKeča, Ljiljana
dc.creatorJovanović, Nikola
dc.description.abstractKolubarski okrug prostire se u severozapadnom delu Srbije. Pod šumskim pokrivačem u Kolubarskom okrugu nalazi se 62.330 ha ili 25,3% teritorije. Od ukupne površine pod šumama, 18,7% je u državnom vlasništvu, a 81,3% su šume sopstvenika. Prosečna godišnja drvna masa koja se plasira iz šuma Kolubarskog okruga iznosi 60.000 m³ lišćara i 670 m³ četinara. Od ukupne količine posečene drvne mase bukva kao vrsta učestvuje u proseku sa 60%. Cilj istraživanja je da se utvrdi količina otkupa, plasmana kao i cena drvnih i nedrvnih šumskih proizvoda (NDŠP) na području opština Valjevo, Ub i Lajkovac. Svrha istraživanja je da se ispitaju i utvrde mogućnosti razvoja šumarstva, kao i malih i srednjih preduzeća koja su usmerena na korišćenje drvnih i NDŠP na teritoriji Kolubarskog okruga. Predmet istraživanja su: preduzeća koja posluju na ovom području, količine koje se otkupljuju i plasiraju, cene po kojima se proizvodi realizuju, kao i strateški dokumenti lokalnih samouprava, važni u ekonomskoj analizi. Istraživanjem sprovedenim na teritoriji Kolubarskog okruga obuhvaćeno je šest preduzeća. Opadajući trendovi plasmana tehničkog drveta sa prosečnom stopom rasta od - 20% i prostornog drveta sa prosečnom stopom rasta od - 12% iz privatnih šuma, kao i opadajući trend plasmana bukovih trupaca za rezanje prve klase sa prosečnom stopom rasta od - 10% ukazuju na to da je drvna zaliha u šumama iz godine u godinu sve manja i da se moraju preduzeti odgovarajuće mere radi popravljanja stanja. Na nedovoljnu iskorišćenost srneće divljači kao resursa ukazuju procenti realizacije planova odstrela i planiranih prihoda. Međutim, ima trendova rasta odstrela, sa prosečnom stopom rasta od 8% i plasmana mesa srneće divljači sa prosečnom stopom rasta od 9,9%.sr
dc.description.abstractThe Kolubara district covers the north western part of Serbia. A total of 62,330 ha or 25.3% of the Kolubara district is forest covered. Out of the total forest area, app. 18.7% are state owned, and 81.3% are private forests. The average annual volume of wood that is exported from the forests of the Kolubara district is 60,000 m³ of hardwood and 670 m³ of softwood. In the total volume of harvested timber, beech as a species participates on average with 60%. The aim of the research is to determine the amount of the purchase, marketing/ placement and price of wood and non-wood forest products (NWFPs) in the municipalities of Valjevo, Ub and Lajkovac. The purpose of this research is to investigate and determine the possibilities for the development of forestry, as well as small and medium-sized enterprises, which are directed towards the use of wood and NWFPs in the are of Kolubara. The subjects of research are: companies that do business in this area, the quantities that are purchased and marketed, the prices at which the products are implemented, as well as strategic documents of local self-government, which are important for economic analysis. The research was conducted in the territory of the Kolubara District, and covers 6 companies. Decreasing trends in the placement of technical wood with an average growth rate of -20% and stacked wood with an average growth rate of -12% of private forests as well as the declining trend in placements of beech logs for cutting first class with an average growth rate of -10% indicate that the wood stocks in forests is each year less and that they must be taken appropriate steps to correct the situation. The inadequate utilization of roe deer, as a resource, point percentages of realized shooting plans and projected revenues. However, it is present growth trends of shooting, with an average growth rate of 8% and placement of roe deer meat, with an average growth rate of 9.9%.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
dc.sourceGlasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
dc.subjectKolubarski okrugsr
dc.subjectekonomska analizasr
dc.subjectthe Kolubara districten
dc.subjecteconomic analysisen
dc.titleKljučni ekonomski aspekti razvoja šumarstva na području Kolubarskog okrugasr
dc.titleKeyeconomic aspect s of forestry development in the area of the Kolubara districten
dc.citation.other(113): 47-68



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