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Dependence of capacity share of trunks for peeling from tree diametre in intensive poplar plot Populus euramericana cl. I -214

dc.creatorDanilović, Milorad
dc.description.abstractPoznavanje učešća sortimentnih klasa u ukupnoj količini izrađenih sortimenata je značajno za planove šumarstva i drvne industrije. Podaci sa kojima danas raspolažemo, a potiču iz šumarske prakse najčešće nisu rezultat dosledne primene odredbi važećeg (JUS) standarda. Drvo topole je male gustine, pravilne strukture i veoma traženo za proizvodnju ljuštenih furnira. U radu se prikazuju rezultati istraživanja zavisnosti zapreminskog učešća trupaca za ljuštenje od prečnika stabla u intenzivnom zasadu topole Populus euramericana cl. I-214 i zapreminsko učešće trupaca za ljuštenje u ukupnoj količini izrađenih sortimenata. Na osnovu rezultata izvršene analize zavisnosti učešća trupaca za ljuštenje od prečnika stabla proizlazi, da postoji veoma jaka korelativna povezanost promenljivih, odnosno da sa povećanjem prečnika stabla značajno raste zapreminsko učešće trupaca za ljuštenje. Ustanovljeno je da od ukupne količine izrađenih sortimenata 30,74 % po zapremini otpada na trupce za ljuštenje.sr
dc.description.abstractAcquaintance with share of sortiment classes in the total quantity of effected sorliments is important for forestry plans and those of timber industry. The data currently at our disposal, originally from forestry practice, most often are not result to consistent application of regulations of valid (JUS) standards. The poplar wood is of low compactness, regular structure and is very popular in production of peeled veneer. The work shows results of research into dependence of capacity share of trunks for peeling from the tree diameter in intensive poplar plot Populus euramericana cl. 1-214 and percentage capacity share of trunks in the total quantity of effected sortiments. Results of performed analysis of dependence of trunks for peeling share point to existence of a very strong correlative link of the variables, that is, that increase in tree diametre considerably increases capacity share of trunks for peeling.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
dc.sourceGlasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
dc.subjectzapreminsko učešćesr
dc.subjecttrupci za ljuštenjesr
dc.subjectintenzivni zasadsr
dc.subjecttrunks for peelingen
dc.subjectintensive ploten
dc.subjectcapacity shareen
dc.titleZavisnost zapreminskog učešća trupaca za ljuštenje od prečnika stabla u intenzivnom zasadu topole Populus euramericana cl. I-214sr
dc.titleDependence of capacity share of trunks for peeling from tree diametre in intensive poplar plot Populus euramericana cl. I -214en
dc.citation.other(83): 81-86



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