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Economic justification of investment in defense against torrential floods on the example of the Ljuboviđa River

dc.creatorZlatić, Miodrag
dc.creatorTodosijević, Mirjana
dc.creatorMomirović, Natalija
dc.description.abstractBujične poplave izazivale su velike materijalne i ekonomske štete u Srbiji, kako u prošlosti, tako, još učestalije, i danas. Svakako da se ublažavanje negativnih posledica postiže preventivnim merama koje obuhvataju integralno uređenje slivova. Ekonomska opravdanost ulaganja u zaštitu od bujičnih poplava obuhvata specifičan pristup, naročito kad je reč o tehničkim objektima u ovoj oblasti. Na primeru odbrane od bujičnih poplava dela reke Ljuboviđe izvršen je izbor varijante zaštite na bazi ekonomskih kriterijuma. Na osnovu tehnike izbegnutih šteta, ocena ekonomskih efekata predviđenih nasipa za zaštitu od poplava izvršena je primenom dinamičkih metoda: odnosa korist - trošak i neto sadašnje vrednosti. Zaključeno je da je druga varijanta ekonomičnija, i pored toga što ne štiti celo područje od poplava, jer bi deo te uloge preuzela predviđena brana u gornjem toku ove reke.sr
dc.description.abstractTorrential floods have caused great material and economic damage in Serbia, in the past and even more frequently nowadays. Definitely, the reduction of negative consequences can be achieved by taking preventive measures which include integral basin arrangement. The economic justification of investment in the protection against torrential floods includes a specific approach, especially when it comes to technical facilities in this area. On the basis of the example of flood control on a part of the river Ljuboviđa, variants of protection were selected on the basis of economic criteria. On the basis of the techniques of avoided damage, evaluation of the economic effects of provided embankments for flood control was done using dynamic methods: the cost-benefit relationship and net present value. It was concluded that the second option is more economical, even though it does not protect the whole area from floods, because a part of that role would be taken over by the intended dam in the upper flow of this river.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
dc.sourceGlasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
dc.subjectopravdanost ulaganjasr
dc.subjectizbegnute štetesr
dc.subjectdugoročni efektisr
dc.subjectbujične poplavesr
dc.subjecttorrential floodsen
dc.subjectlong-term effectsen
dc.subjectinvestment justificationen
dc.subjectavoided damageen
dc.titleEkonomska opravdanost ulaganja u odbranu od bujičnih poplava na primeru reke Ljuboviđesr
dc.titleEconomic justification of investment in defense against torrential floods on the example of the Ljuboviđa Riveren
dc.citation.other(112): 121-133



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