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Ocena ekoloških, strukturnih i proizvodnih karakteristika Pančićeve omorike, molike i munike sa aspekta zaštite i očuvanja njihovih staništa
Assessment of ecological, structural and production characteristics of Serbian spruce, Macedonian pine and Bosnian pine from the aspect of protection and preservation of their habitats : doctoral dissertation
dc.contributor.advisor | Petrović, Nenad | |
dc.contributor.other | Pantić, Damjan | |
dc.contributor.other | Stajić, Branko | |
dc.contributor.other | Košanin, Olivera | |
dc.contributor.other | Čurović, Milić | |
dc.creator | Popović, Aleksandar | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2024-12-20T11:26:32Z | |
dc.date.available | 2024-12-20T11:26:32Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2023 | |
dc.identifier.uri | https://eteze.bg.ac.rs/application/showtheses?thesesId=9402 | |
dc.identifier.uri | https://fedorabg.bg.ac.rs/fedora/get/o:31966/bdef:Content/download | |
dc.identifier.uri | https://plus.cobiss.net/cobiss/sr/sr/bib/125966601 | |
dc.identifier.uri | https://nardus.mpn.gov.rs/handle/123456789/21985 | |
dc.identifier.uri | https://omorika.sfb.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/63 | |
dc.description.abstract | Savremena istraživanja u oblasti zaštite prirode sve više u prvi plan ističu pitanje očuvanja ugroženih vrsta. Jedne od najznačajnijih endemoreliktnih šuma Balkanskog poluostrva formiraju sastojine Pančićeve omorike (Picea omorika (Pančić) Purk.), molike (Pinus peuce Griseb.) i munike (Pinus heldreichii Christ.). Aktuelni koncept zaštite vrsta, rezvijen na pretpostavkama prednosti pasivnog pristupa, primenjivan u proteklom periodu, dominantno je uticao na trenutno stanje sastojina. Osnovni cilj istraživanja je ocena stanja ekoloških, strukturnih i proizvodnih karakteristika proučavanih sastojina u odnosu na navedeni pristup, prepoznavanje dinamičkih elemenata spontanog razvoja, odnos takvog pristupa sa biološkim potrebama vrsta i procena uticaja na njihovu perspektivu. Istraživanja su zasnovana na jedinstvenom metodološkom pristupu. U delovima areala proučavanih vrsta na prostoru Balkanskog poluostrva, na reprezentativnim lokalitetima (Veliki Stolac i Bilo – sastojine Pančićeve omorike; Beleg – sastojine molike; Zeletin – sastojine munike), na osnovu jasno ustanovljenih principa raspoređeno je po 8 (osam) oglednih površina u svim sastojinskim situacijama. Površine su ravnomerno razmeštene u delovima čistih i mešovitih sastojinskih situacija sa ciljem proučavanja odnosa unutar i između vrsta sa kojima formiraju zajednice. U okviru 24 ogledne površine prikupljane su informacije o osobinama 5.448 stabala iznad taksacione granice. Prikupljanje podataka je trajalo od jeseni 2018. do jeseni 2022. godine. Prema dobijenim rezultatima, sastojine se u ekološkom smislu značajno razlikuju, razvijaju se u različitim uslovima klime sa značajno izmenjenim uslovima temperature i količine padavina, posebno u periodima intenzivnog razvoja vegetacije. Klimatske promene nisu negativno uticale na zatečeno zdravstveno stanje sastojina. Na osnovu spektra informacija utvrđeno je da se sastojine razvijaju u različitim zonama rasta šumske vegetacije (Pančićeva omorika – prelaz iz niže u višu planinsku zonu; molika – subalpijska zona; munika – prelaz iz subalpijske u alpijsku zonu). Od ukupno 152 različite vrste vaskularne flore u svim sastojinskim kategorijama najzastupljenija grupa flornih elemenata je Evroazijska (umerena). U odnosu na zonalnost, pokazuju očekivane i jasne razlike u pogledu sastava, fitogeografskog porekla i učešća životnih formi. Sastojine se razvijaju u okviru već opisanih asocijacija (Piceetum omorikae Tregubov 1941; Piceo omorikae Abieti-FagetumČolić 1965; Pinetum peuces Janković 1958; Piceo-Pinetum peuces R. Lakušić 1965; Pinetum heldreichii Janković 1958) na karakterističnim zemljišnim tvorevinama u odnosu na zone njihovog razvoja. U pogledu juvenilne faze razvoja sastojina utvrđena je mala zastupljenost individua i različita struktura u pogledu sastava vrsta. Najnepovoljnije stanje sa ovog aspekta je u sastojinama Pančićeve omorike. Sastojine pokazuju širok spektar vrednosti diverziteta prema različitim parametrima. U odnosu na osnovne taksacione osobine i njihovu distribuciju, sastojine se značajno razlikuju prema svim elementima, kako između proučavanih vrsta tako i prema karakteru mešovitosti. Pokazuju osobine od tipičnih jednodobnih (čiste sastojine omorike, sastojine molike), raznodobnih (sastojine munike) do približno prebirnih strukturnih oblika (mešovite sastojine omorike). Mešovite sastojine u skoro svim segmentima analize pokazuju značajno heterogeniju strukturu. Opseg variranja analiziranih osobina stabala u odnosu na srednje vrednosti je najmanji kod visina, zatim kod prečnika, a najveći kod zapremina u svim sastojinskim situacijama. Sprovedena statistička testiranja oblika distribucija empirijskih osobina stabala značajno odstupaju od teorijski normalne distribucije. Pored toga, u svim kategorijama su utvrđene statistički značajne razlike između empirijskih oblika distribucija čistih i mešovitih sastojina... | sr |
dc.description.abstract | Contemporary research in the field of nature protection is increasingly highlighting the issue of conservation of endangered species. One of the most important types of endemic forests of the Balkan Peninsula are stands of Serbian spruce (Picea omorika (Pančić) Purk.), Macedonian pine (Pinus peuce Griseb.) and Bosnian pine (Pinus heldreichii Christ.). The current concept of species protection, developed on the assumptions of the advantages of a passive approach, applied in the past period, had a dominant effect on the current state of stands. The main aim of this research is to assess the state of the ecological, structural and production characteristics of the studied stands in relation to the mentioned approach, to recognize the dynamic elements of spontaneous development, the relationship of such an approach with the biological needs of the species and to assess the impact on their future prospects. The research is based on a unique methodological approach. In parts of the range of the studied species on the Balkan Peninsula, in representative localities (Veliki Stolac and Bilo – stands of Serbian spruce; Beleg – stands of Macedonian pine; Zeletin - stands of Bosnian pine), based on clearly established principles, 8 (eight) sample plots were distributed in all stand situations. The plots were evenly distributed in parts of pure and mixed stand situations with the aim of studying the relationships within and between the species with which they form communities. Within 24 sample plots, information were collected on the properties of 5,448 trees above the taxation limit. Data collection lasted from autumn 2018 to autumn 2022. According to the obtained results, the stands differ significantly in the ecological sense, they develop in different climate conditions with significantly changed conditions of temperature and the amount of precipitation, especially in periods of intensive vegetation development. Climatic changes did not have a negative impact on the observed health status of the stands. Based on the spectrum of information, it was established that stands develop in different zones of forest vegetation growth (Serbian spruce – transition from lower to higher mountain zone; Macednoian pine – subalpine zone; Bosnian pine – transition from subalpine to alpine zone). Out of a total of 152 different species of vascular flora in all stand categories, the most represented group of flora elements is Eurasian (temperate). In relation to zonality, they show the expected and clear differences in terms of composition, phytogeographical origin and shares of different life forms. The stands develop within the already described associations (Piceetum omorikae Tregubov 1941; Piceo omorikae Abieti-Fagetum Čolić 1965; Pinetum peuces Janković 1958; Piceo-Pinetum peuces R. Lakušić 1965; Pinetum heldreichii Janković 1958) on characteristic soil formations in relation to the zones of their development. In terms of the juvenile phase of stand development, a small share of individuals and a different structure in terms of species composition were determined. The most unfavorable situation from this aspect was found in stands of Serbian spruce. The stands show a wide range of diversity values according to different parameters. In relation to the basic taxonomic characteristics and their distribution, the stands differ significantly according to all elements, both between the studied species and according to the character of the mixture. They show characteristics ranging from typical even-aged stands (pure Serbian spruce stands, Macedonian pine stands), uneven-aged stands (Bosnian pine stands) to approximately selective structural forms (mixed Serbian spruce stands). Mixed stands in almost all segments of the analysis show a significantly more heterogeneous structure. The range of variation of the analyzed tree properties in relation to the mean values is the smallest in height, then in diameter, and the largest in volume in all stand situations. The conducted statistical testing of the shape of distributions of empirical tree properties significantly deviates from the theoretically normal distribution. In addition, statistically significant differences between the empirical forms of the distributions of pure and mixed stands were recorded in all categories... | en |
dc.publisher | Univerzitet u Beogradu, Šumarski fakultet | |
dc.rights | openAccess | |
dc.rights.uri | https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ | |
dc.title | Ocena ekoloških, strukturnih i proizvodnih karakteristika Pančićeve omorike, molike i munike sa aspekta zaštite i očuvanja njihovih staništa | sr |
dc.title | Assessment of ecological, structural and production characteristics of Serbian spruce, Macedonian pine and Bosnian pine from the aspect of protection and preservation of their habitats : doctoral dissertation | en |
dc.type | doctoralThesis | |
dc.rights.license | BY-NC-ND | |
dc.identifier.fulltext | omorika.sfb.bg.ac.rs/bitstream/id/813/60.pdf | |
dc.identifier.rcub | https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_nardus_21985 | |
dc.identifier.rcub | t-15149 | |
dc.type.version | publishedVersion |