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Attitude of the state and private forest owners towards forests as the basis for defining the model of forest management planning in Serbia

dc.contributor.advisorMedarević, Milan
dc.contributor.otherBanković, Staniša
dc.contributor.otherNonić, Dragan
dc.contributor.otherAvdibegović, Mersudin
dc.contributor.otherPosavec, Stjepan
dc.creatorPetrović, Nenad M.
dc.description.abstractPrivatne šume u Srbiji zauzimaju preko milion hektara teritorije što čini 47% svih šuma u Srbiji. Nakon završetka procesa restitucije verskim zajednicama i fizičkim licima očekuje se da se taj procenat poveća u odnosu na državne šume. Srbija spada među zemlje sa izbalansiranim odnosom privatnih i državnih šuma zajedno sa Holandijom, Nemačkom, Mađarskom i Belgijom. Privatne šume sa preko milion hektara predstavljaju značajan potencijal u ekonomskom razvoju Srbije, posebno ruralnih krajeva gde mogu doprineti smanjenju siromaštva stanovništva tih krajeva. Od nedavno, zemlje zapadne Evrope okreću se obnovljivim izvorima energije u odnosu na tradicionalne neobnovljive izvore kao što su nafta ili gas. U Srbiji potencijal drveta iz privatnih šuma nije dovoljno iskorišćen za potrebe drvne industrije ili sirovine za proizvodnju energije. Osnovni problem nedovoljne mobilizacije drveta iz privatnih šuma leži u karakteristikama privatnih šuma koje karakterišu mali šumski posed, izdanačko poreklo šuma, veliki broj parcela, nedefinisani vlasnički odnosi, neažuran katastar, nepostojanje savetodavne službe koja bi odgovorila potrebama vlasnika, naviknutost vlasnika da zavise od ponašanja javne šumarske administracije. Iz tog razloga mnogi privatni šumovlasnici smatraju da njihov šumski posed nije ekonomski vredan. Jedan od načina mobilizacije drveta iz privatnih šuma mogao bi biti osnivanje asocijacije privatnih vlasnika šuma koja bi na lokalnom nivou pomogla vlasnicima da ostvare svoje interese u smislu adekvatnijeg gazdovanja šumom. Na nacionalnom nivou putem lobiranja asocijacije bi stvarale povoljnije uslove za upravljanje svojim šumskim posedima. Procenjuje se da broj privatnih šumovlasnika varira od 500 do 800 hiljada, a da na nivou Srbije još uvek nepostoji jaka i interesno nezavisna asocijacija privatnih šumovlasnika. Sa stanovišta Trumanove teorije grupa ovo predstavlja fenomen jer će se svaka interesna grupa koja ima jasan interes za ostvarenjem zajedničkih ciljeva pokrenuti u nameri da ostvari svoj zajednički interes, odnosno nema organizacije bez jasnog interesa. Prema Olsonovoj teoriji kolektivne akcije velike grupe kao što su šumovlasnici u Srbiji imaju problem da se pokrenu i organizuju kako bi ostvarili dobro za sve eventualne članove jer svako smatra da to neko drugi treba uraditi umesto njih, a da će oni uživati koristi besplatno kao rezultat zajedničke ili kolektivne akcije. Drugi istraživani fenomen vezan je za zakonsku obavezu izrade planova gazdovanja u privatnim šumama i njihovim nepostojanjem u praksi osim u nekoliko izuzetaka. Postojeći sadržaj i procedure izrade planova u malim privatnim posedima gotovo su identični sa velikim državnim posedima. Ovaj rad je istražio osnovne razloge za nedostatak jakog interesnog udruženja privatnih šumovlasnika imajući u vidu njihov veliki broj na nacionalnom nivou (500-800 hiljada) kao i osnovne preduslove za kreiranje jakog nacionalnog udruženja privatnih šumovlasnika.sr
dc.description.abstractPrivate forests in Serbia occupy an area of over one million hectares, which accounts for 47% of all forests in Serbia. After the completion of the restitution to religious communities and individuals, this percentage is expected to increase at the expense of state-owned forests. Along with the Netherlands, Germany, Hungary and Belgium, Serbia belongs to the countries with a balanced ratio of private and state-owned forests. Private forests with over one million hectares represent a significant potential for the economic development of Serbia, especially in rural areas, where they are likely to contribute to the reduction of poverty of the local population. Since recently, Western European countries are turning to renewable energy resources in contrast to non-renewable ones such as oil or gas. The potential of wood from private forests in Serbia is not being sufficiently exploited either in timber industry or the production of raw materials employed to produce energy. The main reason for the insufficient mobilization of wood from private forests lies in the characteristics of private forests, including the small size of forest estates, coppice origin of forests, a large number of forest parcels, undefined ownership status, outdated land registry, the lack of advisory services that meet the owners’ needs and the habit of owners to depend on the activity of public forest administrations. For this reason, many private forest owners find that their forest property is not economically worthwhile. One way of mobilization of the wood from private forests could be through the establishment of private forest owners’ associations that would help the owners pursue their interests at the local level in terms of more adequate forest management, and achieve more favourable terms for the management of their forest estates at the national level through lobbying. It is estimated that the number of private forest owners varies from 500 to 800 thousand, and there are no strong interest-independent associations of private forest owners. From the viewpoint of the Truman's theory of interest groups, this is a phenomenon, because every interest group that has a clear interest in the realization of common interests will be initiated and organized in order to realize these common interests, i.e. there are no organizations without a clear interest. According to the Olson's theory of collective action, large groups, such as private forest owners in Serbia, have problems with initiation and organization in order to achieve well-being for all their potential members, because everyone thinks that someone else should carry these activities out for them, thus enabling them to use the resulting benefits for free, as a result of joint or collective action. Another phenomenon investigated is linked to the legal obligation to produce forest management plans for private forests and their general lack in practice, except for a few exceptions. The existing content and the procedure of making plans for small private estates are almost identical to those for large state-owned estates.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu, Šumarski fakultet
dc.subjectПриватне шумеsr
dc.subjectприватни шумовласнициsr
dc.subjectколективна акцијаsr
dc.subjectпланови у приватним шумамаsr
dc.subjectасоцијације приватних шумовласникаsr
dc.titleOdnos države i privatnih šumovlasnika prema šumi kao osnov definisanja modela paniranja gazdovanja šumama u Srbijisr
dc.titleAttitude of the state and private forest owners towards forests as the basis for defining the model of forest management planning in Serbiaen



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