Fauna lisnih minera lišćarskih drvenastih vrsta Srbije
Leaf miner fauna of deciduous woody species of Serbia

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Dobrosavljević, Jovan
Marković, ČedomirMilanović, Slobodan
Graora, Draga
Milenković, Ivan Lj.
Doctoral thesis (Published version)
Show full item recordAbstract
Lisni mineri su sitni insekti iz redova Coleoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera i Lepidoptera. Njihove larve se hrane mezofilom lista, ostavljajući epidermis neoštećen. Prilikom ishrane mnoge vrste izazivaju značajna oštećenja na biljkama. U Srbiji je do sad prema literaturi utvrđeno 218 vrsta lisnih minera lišćarskih drvenastih vrsta. Broj navoda i broj prvih nalaza je kroz istoriju oscilirao, dok se rast u broju objavljenih radova kretao eksponencijalno. Većina radova se odnosila na pojedinačne vrste, a samo mali broj se bavio faunističkim istraživanjima. Najveći doprinos proučavanju lisnih minera u Srbiji je dao prof. dr Nenad Dimić koji u svojim radovima navodi oko 140 vrsta. Kako je procenjeno da u Srbiji potencijalno postoji još vrsta, izvršena su terenska istraživanja. Prikupljanje uzoraka je vršeno na 198 lokaliteta u Srbiji u periodu od 2015. do 2021. godine. Analizom prikupljenog materijala utvrđene su 242 vrste lisnih minera, od kojih su 83 nove za faunu Srbije. Sumiranjem literat...urnih i sopstvenih podataka utvrđeno je da je u Srbiji do sada registrovana 301 vrsta lisnih minera lišćarskih drvenastih vrsta. Od ukupnog broja registrovanih vrsta najveći broj spada u red Lepidoptera (237), a znatno manje u redove Hymenoptera (24), Coleoptera (20) i Diptera (20). Najveći broj vrsta iz reda Lepidoptera spada u familije Gracillariidae (84), Nepticulidae (76) i Coleophoridae (28). Iz reda Hymenoptera sve vrste spadaju u familiju Tenthredinidae (24), iz reda Coleoptera u familije Curculionidae (17), Chrysomelidae (2) i Buprestidae (1), a iz reda reda Diptera u familije Agromyzidae (19) i Cecidomyiidae (1). Identifikovani lisni mineri su registrovani na 91 vrsti biljaka hraniteljki iz 23 familije i 16 redova. Između broja vrsta biljaka hraniteljki i broja vrsta lisnih minera je utvrđena jaka veza, što nam ukazuje da je većina identifikovanih vrsta monofagna. Najviše vrsta lisnih minera je utvrđeno u centralnoj, a najmanje u zapadnoj Srbiji. Najveći broj vrsta je registrovan na nadmorskoj visini do 200 m, a njihov broj se sa povećanjem nadmorske visine smanjivao. Na osnovu navoda vrsta utvrđenih u literaturi, kao i novih nalaza procenjeno je da u Srbiji postoji još oko 80 vrsta koje nisu zabeležene. Zbog toga je potrebno nastaviti istraživanje faune lisnih minera. Kako su lisni mineri u bliskom kontaktu sa biljkama hraniteljkama, promene u životnoj sredini na njih deluju direktno, ali i indirektno preko promena u biljkama. Uticaj promena u životnoj sredini na zajednicu lisnih minera u Srbiji do sad nije detaljno proučavan. Zbog toga su sprovedena istraživanja u kojima su ispitani uticaji obnove šuma oplodnom sečom sa kratkim podmladnim razdobljem, urbanizacije, nadmorske visine i ledoloma na bogatstvo vrsta, populacionu gustinu i diverzitet lisnih minera. Utvrđeno je da se nakon obnavljanja šuma hrasta lužnjaka oplodnom sečom sa kratkim podmladnim razdobljem bogatstvo vrsta, populaciona gustina i diverzitet lisnih minera smanjuju. Sa porastom starosti obnovljene sastojine zajednica se polako vraća u početno stanje. Međutim, ovaj proces traje relativno dugo, odnosno više od 15 godina. Zbog toga je poželjno koristiti metode obnavljanja koje stvaraju raznodobne sastojine, ili ostavljati kontinuirane pojaseve neobnovljenih zrelih šuma u okolini. Na ovaj način se mogu očuvati vrste koje nisu adaptirane na uslove otvorenog sklopa. Urbanizacija negativno utiče na zajednicu lisnih minera hrasta lužnjaka i crne topole. Mali broj vrsta uspeva da se prilagodi urbanoj sredini. Vrsta Fenusella hortulana se uspešno adaptirala na urbanu sredinu pa zbog njene visoke populacione gustine urbanizacija ne utiče na populacionu gustinu kompletne zajednice lisnih minera topole. Izvestan broj lisnih minera ipak uspeva da preživi u urbanoj sredini, zbog čega su stabla prisutna u njoj značajna za očuvanje njihove faune. Sa porastom nadmorske visine bogatstvo vrsta, populaciona gustina i diverzitet lisnih minera bukve rastu do određene visine, nakon čega opadaju. Ovo je posledica toga što klimatski faktori na većim visinama ne pogoduju lisnim minerima. Ledolomi pozitivno utiču na bogatstvo vrsta i diverzitet lisnih minera bukve, a ne utiču na njihovu populacionu gustinu. Pozitivan uticaj ledoloma na dva navedena parametra je posledica otvaranja sklopa sastojine, što omogućuje prodiranje veće količine svetlosti, a sa njom se povećava i broj vrsta lisnih minera.
Leaf miners are small insects from the orders Coleoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera, and Lepidoptera. Their larvae consume the leaf mesophyll, leaving the epidermis intact. During their feeding, many species cause significant damage to plants. So far, 218 species of leaf miners of deciduous woody species have been identified from the literature sources in Serbia. The number of citations and the number of the first findings of species fluctuated throughout history, while the number of published papers increased exponentially. Most of the previous works dealt with individual species, while only a small part was focused on faunal research. The greatest contribution to the study of leaf miners in Serbia was made by prof. Dr. Nenad Dimić, who lists about 140 species in his works. As it was determined that more leaf miner species are potentially present in Serbia, field research was undertaken. Sample collection was performed at 198 localities in Serbia, in the period from 2015 to 2021. Two hund...red forty-two species of leaf miners, of which 83 are new to Serbian fauna, were determined by the analysis of the collected material. By summarizing the literature and own data, it was determined that 301 species of leaf miners of deciduous woody species have been registered in Serbia so far. The largest number of the identified species belongs to the order Lepidoptera (237) and much less to the order Hymenoptera (24), Coleoptera (20), and Diptera (20). The largest number of species from the order Lepidoptera belong to the families Gracillariidae (84), Nepticulidae (76), and Coleophoridae (28). All the species from the order Hymenoptera belong to the family Tenthredinidae (24), from the order Coleoptera to the families Curculionidae (17), Chrysomelidae (2), and Buprestidae (1), and from the order Diptera to the families Agromyzidae (19) and Cecidomyiidae (1). The identified leaf miners were found on 91 host plant species from 23 families and 16 orders. A strong association between the number of host plant species and the number of leaf miner species was determined in the study, which indicates that most of the identified species are monophagous. The greatest number of leaf miner species was found in central, and the smallest in western Serbia. The largest number of species was found at an altitude of up to 200 m, and their number decreased with increasing altitude. Based on the citations of the species determined in the literature, as well as the new findings that are part of this dissertation, it is estimated that there are about 80 species that have not been recorded in Serbia. Therefore, it is necessary to continue researching their fauna. As leaf miners are in close contact with the host plants, changes in the environment affect them directly, and indirectly through their host plants. The impact of environmental changes on the leaf miner community in Serbia has not been studied in detail so far. Therefore, the research to determine the influence regeneration of forests by shelterwood cutting with a short regeneration period, urbanization, altitude, and ice break on the species richness, abundance, and diversity of leaf miners was conducted. It was determined that species richness, abundance, and diversity decline after the regeneration of pedunculate oak forests by shelterwood cutting with a short regeneration period. As the age of the regenerated stand increases, the community slowly returns to its original state. This process, however, takes a relatively long time, ie more than 15 years. Therefore, it is desirable to use regeneration methods that create stands of different ages or to leave continuous belts of unrestored mature forests in the vicinity. This way the species that are not accustomed to the conditions of open canopy can be preserved. Urbanization negatively affects the community of pedunculate oak and black poplar leaf miners. Only a small number of species manage to adapt to the altered habitat conditions. The species Fenusella hortulana successfully adapted to the urban environment, so due to its high population density, the urbanization did not affect the population density of the entire black poplar leaf miner community. A certain number of species manages to survive in the urban environment, which is why the trees present in it are important for the preservation of their fauna. As altitude increases, species richness, abundance, and diversity of beech leaf miners increase to a certain elevation, after which they decline. This is a consequence of the fact that climatic factors at higher altitudes do not suit leaf miners. Ice breaks positively affect the species richness and diversity of beech leaf miners, while they do not affect their abundance. The positive influence of ice breaks on the two mentioned parameters is a consequence of the opening of the canopy of the stand, which enables the penetration of a larger amount of light, and with it the number of leaf miner species increases.
- Univerzitet u Beogradu, Šumarski fakultet
Šumarski fakultetTY - THES AU - Dobrosavljević, Jovan PY - 2022 UR - https://eteze.bg.ac.rs/application/showtheses?thesesId=9457 UR - https://fedorabg.bg.ac.rs/fedora/get/o:32196/bdef:Content/download UR - https://plus.cobiss.net/cobiss/sr/sr/bib/65240585 UR - https://nardus.mpn.gov.rs/handle/123456789/22046 UR - https://omorika.sfb.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/58 AB - Lisni mineri su sitni insekti iz redova Coleoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera i Lepidoptera. Njihove larve se hrane mezofilom lista, ostavljajući epidermis neoštećen. Prilikom ishrane mnoge vrste izazivaju značajna oštećenja na biljkama. U Srbiji je do sad prema literaturi utvrđeno 218 vrsta lisnih minera lišćarskih drvenastih vrsta. Broj navoda i broj prvih nalaza je kroz istoriju oscilirao, dok se rast u broju objavljenih radova kretao eksponencijalno. Većina radova se odnosila na pojedinačne vrste, a samo mali broj se bavio faunističkim istraživanjima. Najveći doprinos proučavanju lisnih minera u Srbiji je dao prof. dr Nenad Dimić koji u svojim radovima navodi oko 140 vrsta. Kako je procenjeno da u Srbiji potencijalno postoji još vrsta, izvršena su terenska istraživanja. Prikupljanje uzoraka je vršeno na 198 lokaliteta u Srbiji u periodu od 2015. do 2021. godine. Analizom prikupljenog materijala utvrđene su 242 vrste lisnih minera, od kojih su 83 nove za faunu Srbije. Sumiranjem literaturnih i sopstvenih podataka utvrđeno je da je u Srbiji do sada registrovana 301 vrsta lisnih minera lišćarskih drvenastih vrsta. Od ukupnog broja registrovanih vrsta najveći broj spada u red Lepidoptera (237), a znatno manje u redove Hymenoptera (24), Coleoptera (20) i Diptera (20). Najveći broj vrsta iz reda Lepidoptera spada u familije Gracillariidae (84), Nepticulidae (76) i Coleophoridae (28). Iz reda Hymenoptera sve vrste spadaju u familiju Tenthredinidae (24), iz reda Coleoptera u familije Curculionidae (17), Chrysomelidae (2) i Buprestidae (1), a iz reda reda Diptera u familije Agromyzidae (19) i Cecidomyiidae (1). Identifikovani lisni mineri su registrovani na 91 vrsti biljaka hraniteljki iz 23 familije i 16 redova. Između broja vrsta biljaka hraniteljki i broja vrsta lisnih minera je utvrđena jaka veza, što nam ukazuje da je većina identifikovanih vrsta monofagna. Najviše vrsta lisnih minera je utvrđeno u centralnoj, a najmanje u zapadnoj Srbiji. Najveći broj vrsta je registrovan na nadmorskoj visini do 200 m, a njihov broj se sa povećanjem nadmorske visine smanjivao. Na osnovu navoda vrsta utvrđenih u literaturi, kao i novih nalaza procenjeno je da u Srbiji postoji još oko 80 vrsta koje nisu zabeležene. Zbog toga je potrebno nastaviti istraživanje faune lisnih minera. Kako su lisni mineri u bliskom kontaktu sa biljkama hraniteljkama, promene u životnoj sredini na njih deluju direktno, ali i indirektno preko promena u biljkama. Uticaj promena u životnoj sredini na zajednicu lisnih minera u Srbiji do sad nije detaljno proučavan. Zbog toga su sprovedena istraživanja u kojima su ispitani uticaji obnove šuma oplodnom sečom sa kratkim podmladnim razdobljem, urbanizacije, nadmorske visine i ledoloma na bogatstvo vrsta, populacionu gustinu i diverzitet lisnih minera. Utvrđeno je da se nakon obnavljanja šuma hrasta lužnjaka oplodnom sečom sa kratkim podmladnim razdobljem bogatstvo vrsta, populaciona gustina i diverzitet lisnih minera smanjuju. Sa porastom starosti obnovljene sastojine zajednica se polako vraća u početno stanje. Međutim, ovaj proces traje relativno dugo, odnosno više od 15 godina. Zbog toga je poželjno koristiti metode obnavljanja koje stvaraju raznodobne sastojine, ili ostavljati kontinuirane pojaseve neobnovljenih zrelih šuma u okolini. Na ovaj način se mogu očuvati vrste koje nisu adaptirane na uslove otvorenog sklopa. Urbanizacija negativno utiče na zajednicu lisnih minera hrasta lužnjaka i crne topole. Mali broj vrsta uspeva da se prilagodi urbanoj sredini. Vrsta Fenusella hortulana se uspešno adaptirala na urbanu sredinu pa zbog njene visoke populacione gustine urbanizacija ne utiče na populacionu gustinu kompletne zajednice lisnih minera topole. Izvestan broj lisnih minera ipak uspeva da preživi u urbanoj sredini, zbog čega su stabla prisutna u njoj značajna za očuvanje njihove faune. Sa porastom nadmorske visine bogatstvo vrsta, populaciona gustina i diverzitet lisnih minera bukve rastu do određene visine, nakon čega opadaju. Ovo je posledica toga što klimatski faktori na većim visinama ne pogoduju lisnim minerima. Ledolomi pozitivno utiču na bogatstvo vrsta i diverzitet lisnih minera bukve, a ne utiču na njihovu populacionu gustinu. Pozitivan uticaj ledoloma na dva navedena parametra je posledica otvaranja sklopa sastojine, što omogućuje prodiranje veće količine svetlosti, a sa njom se povećava i broj vrsta lisnih minera. AB - Leaf miners are small insects from the orders Coleoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera, and Lepidoptera. Their larvae consume the leaf mesophyll, leaving the epidermis intact. During their feeding, many species cause significant damage to plants. So far, 218 species of leaf miners of deciduous woody species have been identified from the literature sources in Serbia. The number of citations and the number of the first findings of species fluctuated throughout history, while the number of published papers increased exponentially. Most of the previous works dealt with individual species, while only a small part was focused on faunal research. The greatest contribution to the study of leaf miners in Serbia was made by prof. Dr. Nenad Dimić, who lists about 140 species in his works. As it was determined that more leaf miner species are potentially present in Serbia, field research was undertaken. Sample collection was performed at 198 localities in Serbia, in the period from 2015 to 2021. Two hundred forty-two species of leaf miners, of which 83 are new to Serbian fauna, were determined by the analysis of the collected material. By summarizing the literature and own data, it was determined that 301 species of leaf miners of deciduous woody species have been registered in Serbia so far. The largest number of the identified species belongs to the order Lepidoptera (237) and much less to the order Hymenoptera (24), Coleoptera (20), and Diptera (20). The largest number of species from the order Lepidoptera belong to the families Gracillariidae (84), Nepticulidae (76), and Coleophoridae (28). All the species from the order Hymenoptera belong to the family Tenthredinidae (24), from the order Coleoptera to the families Curculionidae (17), Chrysomelidae (2), and Buprestidae (1), and from the order Diptera to the families Agromyzidae (19) and Cecidomyiidae (1). The identified leaf miners were found on 91 host plant species from 23 families and 16 orders. A strong association between the number of host plant species and the number of leaf miner species was determined in the study, which indicates that most of the identified species are monophagous. The greatest number of leaf miner species was found in central, and the smallest in western Serbia. The largest number of species was found at an altitude of up to 200 m, and their number decreased with increasing altitude. Based on the citations of the species determined in the literature, as well as the new findings that are part of this dissertation, it is estimated that there are about 80 species that have not been recorded in Serbia. Therefore, it is necessary to continue researching their fauna. As leaf miners are in close contact with the host plants, changes in the environment affect them directly, and indirectly through their host plants. The impact of environmental changes on the leaf miner community in Serbia has not been studied in detail so far. Therefore, the research to determine the influence regeneration of forests by shelterwood cutting with a short regeneration period, urbanization, altitude, and ice break on the species richness, abundance, and diversity of leaf miners was conducted. It was determined that species richness, abundance, and diversity decline after the regeneration of pedunculate oak forests by shelterwood cutting with a short regeneration period. As the age of the regenerated stand increases, the community slowly returns to its original state. This process, however, takes a relatively long time, ie more than 15 years. Therefore, it is desirable to use regeneration methods that create stands of different ages or to leave continuous belts of unrestored mature forests in the vicinity. This way the species that are not accustomed to the conditions of open canopy can be preserved. Urbanization negatively affects the community of pedunculate oak and black poplar leaf miners. Only a small number of species manage to adapt to the altered habitat conditions. The species Fenusella hortulana successfully adapted to the urban environment, so due to its high population density, the urbanization did not affect the population density of the entire black poplar leaf miner community. A certain number of species manages to survive in the urban environment, which is why the trees present in it are important for the preservation of their fauna. As altitude increases, species richness, abundance, and diversity of beech leaf miners increase to a certain elevation, after which they decline. This is a consequence of the fact that climatic factors at higher altitudes do not suit leaf miners. Ice breaks positively affect the species richness and diversity of beech leaf miners, while they do not affect their abundance. The positive influence of ice breaks on the two mentioned parameters is a consequence of the opening of the canopy of the stand, which enables the penetration of a larger amount of light, and with it the number of leaf miner species increases. PB - Univerzitet u Beogradu, Šumarski fakultet T1 - Fauna lisnih minera lišćarskih drvenastih vrsta Srbije T1 - Leaf miner fauna of deciduous woody species of Serbia UR - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_nardus_22046 UR - t-15211 ER -
@phdthesis{ author = "Dobrosavljević, Jovan", year = "2022", abstract = "Lisni mineri su sitni insekti iz redova Coleoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera i Lepidoptera. Njihove larve se hrane mezofilom lista, ostavljajući epidermis neoštećen. Prilikom ishrane mnoge vrste izazivaju značajna oštećenja na biljkama. U Srbiji je do sad prema literaturi utvrđeno 218 vrsta lisnih minera lišćarskih drvenastih vrsta. Broj navoda i broj prvih nalaza je kroz istoriju oscilirao, dok se rast u broju objavljenih radova kretao eksponencijalno. Većina radova se odnosila na pojedinačne vrste, a samo mali broj se bavio faunističkim istraživanjima. Najveći doprinos proučavanju lisnih minera u Srbiji je dao prof. dr Nenad Dimić koji u svojim radovima navodi oko 140 vrsta. Kako je procenjeno da u Srbiji potencijalno postoji još vrsta, izvršena su terenska istraživanja. Prikupljanje uzoraka je vršeno na 198 lokaliteta u Srbiji u periodu od 2015. do 2021. godine. Analizom prikupljenog materijala utvrđene su 242 vrste lisnih minera, od kojih su 83 nove za faunu Srbije. Sumiranjem literaturnih i sopstvenih podataka utvrđeno je da je u Srbiji do sada registrovana 301 vrsta lisnih minera lišćarskih drvenastih vrsta. Od ukupnog broja registrovanih vrsta najveći broj spada u red Lepidoptera (237), a znatno manje u redove Hymenoptera (24), Coleoptera (20) i Diptera (20). Najveći broj vrsta iz reda Lepidoptera spada u familije Gracillariidae (84), Nepticulidae (76) i Coleophoridae (28). Iz reda Hymenoptera sve vrste spadaju u familiju Tenthredinidae (24), iz reda Coleoptera u familije Curculionidae (17), Chrysomelidae (2) i Buprestidae (1), a iz reda reda Diptera u familije Agromyzidae (19) i Cecidomyiidae (1). Identifikovani lisni mineri su registrovani na 91 vrsti biljaka hraniteljki iz 23 familije i 16 redova. Između broja vrsta biljaka hraniteljki i broja vrsta lisnih minera je utvrđena jaka veza, što nam ukazuje da je većina identifikovanih vrsta monofagna. Najviše vrsta lisnih minera je utvrđeno u centralnoj, a najmanje u zapadnoj Srbiji. Najveći broj vrsta je registrovan na nadmorskoj visini do 200 m, a njihov broj se sa povećanjem nadmorske visine smanjivao. Na osnovu navoda vrsta utvrđenih u literaturi, kao i novih nalaza procenjeno je da u Srbiji postoji još oko 80 vrsta koje nisu zabeležene. Zbog toga je potrebno nastaviti istraživanje faune lisnih minera. Kako su lisni mineri u bliskom kontaktu sa biljkama hraniteljkama, promene u životnoj sredini na njih deluju direktno, ali i indirektno preko promena u biljkama. Uticaj promena u životnoj sredini na zajednicu lisnih minera u Srbiji do sad nije detaljno proučavan. Zbog toga su sprovedena istraživanja u kojima su ispitani uticaji obnove šuma oplodnom sečom sa kratkim podmladnim razdobljem, urbanizacije, nadmorske visine i ledoloma na bogatstvo vrsta, populacionu gustinu i diverzitet lisnih minera. Utvrđeno je da se nakon obnavljanja šuma hrasta lužnjaka oplodnom sečom sa kratkim podmladnim razdobljem bogatstvo vrsta, populaciona gustina i diverzitet lisnih minera smanjuju. Sa porastom starosti obnovljene sastojine zajednica se polako vraća u početno stanje. Međutim, ovaj proces traje relativno dugo, odnosno više od 15 godina. Zbog toga je poželjno koristiti metode obnavljanja koje stvaraju raznodobne sastojine, ili ostavljati kontinuirane pojaseve neobnovljenih zrelih šuma u okolini. Na ovaj način se mogu očuvati vrste koje nisu adaptirane na uslove otvorenog sklopa. Urbanizacija negativno utiče na zajednicu lisnih minera hrasta lužnjaka i crne topole. Mali broj vrsta uspeva da se prilagodi urbanoj sredini. Vrsta Fenusella hortulana se uspešno adaptirala na urbanu sredinu pa zbog njene visoke populacione gustine urbanizacija ne utiče na populacionu gustinu kompletne zajednice lisnih minera topole. Izvestan broj lisnih minera ipak uspeva da preživi u urbanoj sredini, zbog čega su stabla prisutna u njoj značajna za očuvanje njihove faune. Sa porastom nadmorske visine bogatstvo vrsta, populaciona gustina i diverzitet lisnih minera bukve rastu do određene visine, nakon čega opadaju. Ovo je posledica toga što klimatski faktori na većim visinama ne pogoduju lisnim minerima. Ledolomi pozitivno utiču na bogatstvo vrsta i diverzitet lisnih minera bukve, a ne utiču na njihovu populacionu gustinu. Pozitivan uticaj ledoloma na dva navedena parametra je posledica otvaranja sklopa sastojine, što omogućuje prodiranje veće količine svetlosti, a sa njom se povećava i broj vrsta lisnih minera., Leaf miners are small insects from the orders Coleoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera, and Lepidoptera. Their larvae consume the leaf mesophyll, leaving the epidermis intact. During their feeding, many species cause significant damage to plants. So far, 218 species of leaf miners of deciduous woody species have been identified from the literature sources in Serbia. The number of citations and the number of the first findings of species fluctuated throughout history, while the number of published papers increased exponentially. Most of the previous works dealt with individual species, while only a small part was focused on faunal research. The greatest contribution to the study of leaf miners in Serbia was made by prof. Dr. Nenad Dimić, who lists about 140 species in his works. As it was determined that more leaf miner species are potentially present in Serbia, field research was undertaken. Sample collection was performed at 198 localities in Serbia, in the period from 2015 to 2021. Two hundred forty-two species of leaf miners, of which 83 are new to Serbian fauna, were determined by the analysis of the collected material. By summarizing the literature and own data, it was determined that 301 species of leaf miners of deciduous woody species have been registered in Serbia so far. The largest number of the identified species belongs to the order Lepidoptera (237) and much less to the order Hymenoptera (24), Coleoptera (20), and Diptera (20). The largest number of species from the order Lepidoptera belong to the families Gracillariidae (84), Nepticulidae (76), and Coleophoridae (28). All the species from the order Hymenoptera belong to the family Tenthredinidae (24), from the order Coleoptera to the families Curculionidae (17), Chrysomelidae (2), and Buprestidae (1), and from the order Diptera to the families Agromyzidae (19) and Cecidomyiidae (1). The identified leaf miners were found on 91 host plant species from 23 families and 16 orders. A strong association between the number of host plant species and the number of leaf miner species was determined in the study, which indicates that most of the identified species are monophagous. The greatest number of leaf miner species was found in central, and the smallest in western Serbia. The largest number of species was found at an altitude of up to 200 m, and their number decreased with increasing altitude. Based on the citations of the species determined in the literature, as well as the new findings that are part of this dissertation, it is estimated that there are about 80 species that have not been recorded in Serbia. Therefore, it is necessary to continue researching their fauna. As leaf miners are in close contact with the host plants, changes in the environment affect them directly, and indirectly through their host plants. The impact of environmental changes on the leaf miner community in Serbia has not been studied in detail so far. Therefore, the research to determine the influence regeneration of forests by shelterwood cutting with a short regeneration period, urbanization, altitude, and ice break on the species richness, abundance, and diversity of leaf miners was conducted. It was determined that species richness, abundance, and diversity decline after the regeneration of pedunculate oak forests by shelterwood cutting with a short regeneration period. As the age of the regenerated stand increases, the community slowly returns to its original state. This process, however, takes a relatively long time, ie more than 15 years. Therefore, it is desirable to use regeneration methods that create stands of different ages or to leave continuous belts of unrestored mature forests in the vicinity. This way the species that are not accustomed to the conditions of open canopy can be preserved. Urbanization negatively affects the community of pedunculate oak and black poplar leaf miners. Only a small number of species manage to adapt to the altered habitat conditions. The species Fenusella hortulana successfully adapted to the urban environment, so due to its high population density, the urbanization did not affect the population density of the entire black poplar leaf miner community. A certain number of species manages to survive in the urban environment, which is why the trees present in it are important for the preservation of their fauna. As altitude increases, species richness, abundance, and diversity of beech leaf miners increase to a certain elevation, after which they decline. This is a consequence of the fact that climatic factors at higher altitudes do not suit leaf miners. Ice breaks positively affect the species richness and diversity of beech leaf miners, while they do not affect their abundance. The positive influence of ice breaks on the two mentioned parameters is a consequence of the opening of the canopy of the stand, which enables the penetration of a larger amount of light, and with it the number of leaf miner species increases.", publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu, Šumarski fakultet", title = "Fauna lisnih minera lišćarskih drvenastih vrsta Srbije, Leaf miner fauna of deciduous woody species of Serbia", url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_nardus_22046, t-15211" }
Dobrosavljević, J.. (2022). Fauna lisnih minera lišćarskih drvenastih vrsta Srbije. Univerzitet u Beogradu, Šumarski fakultet.. https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_nardus_22046
Dobrosavljević J. Fauna lisnih minera lišćarskih drvenastih vrsta Srbije. 2022;. https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_nardus_22046 .
Dobrosavljević, Jovan, "Fauna lisnih minera lišćarskih drvenastih vrsta Srbije" (2022), https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_nardus_22046 .