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An analysis of marketing mix elements in the business of small and medium enterprises dealing with NWFPs in the statistical region of Belgrade

dc.creatorKeča, Ljiljana
dc.description.abstractNedrvni šumski proizvodi (NDŠP) se pojavljuju kao sirovinska baza za čitav niz finalnih proizvoda koji se koriste u farmaceutskoj, prehrambenoj industriji, itd. Takođe, paralelno sa ekspanzijom organske proizvodnje, tržišni značaj NDŠP je drastično uvećan, kako na užem regionalnom, tako i na međunarodnom nivou. Cilj rada je analiza odabranih elemenata marketing miksa (proizvod, cena, promocija i distribucija) u okviru malih i srednjih preduzeća koja se bave otkupom, preradom i plasmanom NDŠP u okviru statističkog regiona Beograda. Svrha istraživanja je da se, na bazi ovako stečenih znanja, ukaže na potencijal koji predstavljaju NDŠP u komercijalnom smislu, dok sam predmet rada predstavlja obim otkupa i plasmana najbitnijih NDŠP na domaće i inostrano tržište. Istraživanje je zasnovano na analizi vremenskih serija kroz formulaciju trenda, kao i analizi odabranih elemenata marketing miksa. Tokom šestogodišnjeg perioda primećuje se povećan otkup sirovih proizvoda, što je posledica povećanog otkupa šumskog voća, dok se ostali proizvodi otkupljuju uglavnom na istom nivou. Kada se govori o plasmanu proizvoda na domaće tržište može se uočiti rast otkupljenih proizvoda, posebno u poslednje tri godine posmatranog perioda, kao posledica povećanog plasmana šumskog voća, dok ostali proizvodi pokazuju manje fluktuacije. Na području statističkog regiona Beograda najzastupljeniji su lekovito bilje, šumsko voće i gljive.sr
dc.description.abstractNon-wood forest products (NWFPs) appear as a raw material base for a range of final products used in the pharmaceutical industry, food industry, etc. In addition, along with the expansion of organic production, the importance of the NWFPs market has drastically increased, both at the regional and international levels. The aim of this paper is the analysis of selected marketing mix elements (product, price, promotion and distribution) in small and medium enterprises engaged in the purchasing, processing and marketing of NWFPs in the statistical region of Belgrade. The purpose of this research is to highlight the potential of NWFPs in commercial terms, on the basis of the knowledge obtained. The research object is the volume of purchase and marketing of the most important NWFPs in domestic and foreign markets. The research is based on a time series analysis through trend formulation, as well as the analysis of the selected marketing mix elements. An increase in the purchase of raw products can be observed over a six-year period, as a result of the enhancement in the purchase of forest fruits, while the purchase volume of other products remains largely the same. When product placement on the domestic market is concerned, an increase in the purchase of products can be observed, particularly in the last three years of the observation period, as a result of the increased placement of forest fruits on the market, while other products are subject to less fluctuation. The most common products in the statistical region of Belgrade are medicinal herbs, forest fruits and mushrooms.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/37008/RS//
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31041/RS//
dc.sourceGlasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
dc.subjectnedrvni šumski proizvodisr
dc.subjectmarketing mikssr
dc.subjectnon-wood forest productsen
dc.subjectmarketing mixen
dc.titleAnaliza marketing miks elemenata u poslovanju malih i srednjih preduzeća koja se bave NDŠP na području statističkog regiona Beogradasr
dc.titleAn analysis of marketing mix elements in the business of small and medium enterprises dealing with NWFPs in the statistical region of Belgradeen
dc.citation.other(108): 51-66



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