Otvaranje šuma sekundarnom mrežom šumskih puteva
Forest opening with a secondary road network
U radu su prikazani rezultati analize položaja i gustine sekundarne mreže puteva u skupinasto-prebirnom sistemu gazdovanja. Istraživanja su izvršena u privrednoj jedinici Prosara u severozapanom delu Republike Srpske. Mreža traktorskih vlaka u analiziranim odeljenjima snimljena je pomoću GPS uređaja Garmin 60 i Garmin Map 62st, a pri analizi je korišćen programski paket ESRI ArcInfo 10.1. Pridržavajući se opštih smernica, nagib traktorskih vlaka je analiziran unutar šest definisanih intervala: 0-12%, 12-16%, 16-20%, 20-30%, 30-40% i preko 40%. Relativna otvorenost sekundarnom mrežom puteva određena je za maksimalno rastojanje između traktorskih vlaka od 130 m i kreće se od 82,62% do 96,37%. Ovakva otvorenost klasifikovana je kao veoma dobra i odlična. Uključujući sve faktore vezane za karakteristike sastojine i terena, proizilazi da je u svim odeljenjima gustina sekundarne mreže vlaka odgovarajuća za primenu zglobnih traktora sa vitlom bez potrebe produženja navedene maksimalne dužine ...užeta vitla. Od ukupne dužine analiziranih vlaka, 24% se nalazi unutar odgovarajućeg intervala nagiba ako se planira njihova konverzija u kamionske puteve, dok 37% odgovara maksimalnom nagibu sa ekološkog stanovišta. Prosečni nagib terena za čitavu analiziranu površinu iznosi 26,4%. Ovako umereno nagnut teren je pogodan za izgradnju vlaka uz mala ulaganja i mali ekološki uticaj. Zbog karakteristične konfiguracije terena, glavne traktorske vlake su položene po grebenu, dok se vlake drugog i trećeg reda odvajaju od njih najčešće u maksimalnom nagibu formirajući na taj način nepravilni oblik riblje kosti.
This paper presents the results of an analysis of the position and density of a secondary road network in the group-selection management system. The research was conducted in the economic unit Prosara in the north west of the Republic of Srpska. The network of skid roads in the analyzed sections was recorded using the GPS devices Garmin GPS 60 and Garmin Map 62st, and the analysis software package used was ESRI ArcInfo 10.1. Adhering to the general guidelines, the slope of skid roads was analyzed within six predefined intervals: 0-12 %, 12-16 %, 16-20 %, 20-30 %, 30-40 % and over 40%. Relative openness with a secondary road network was determined for a maximum distance between the skid roads of 130m and it ranged from 82.62 % to 96.37 %. Such openness was classified as very good and excellent. Together with all factors related to stand and terrain characteristics, it appears that in all the compartments, the density of the secondary network of skid roads is adequate for the application... of a skidder with a winch, without extending above the maximum length of the winch rope. Out of the total length of analyzed skid roads, 24% is within an appropriate slope interval for a planned conversion to truck roads, whereas 37 % is the maximum slope from the ecological point of view. The average terrain slope for the whole analyzed area is 26.4%. Such moderately sloping terrain is suitable for the construction of skid roads with low investment and small environmental impact. Due to their specific configuration, the main skid roads were designed along the ridge, while the secondary and tertiary skid roads most often separated from them at the maximum slope, forming an irregular fish bone shape.
traktorske vlake / relativna otvorenost / privredna jedinica Prosara / otvaranje šuma / nagib terena / terrain slope / skid roads / relative openness / forest opening / economic unit ProsaraSource:
Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta, 2013, 108, 25-38Publisher:
- Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
Šumarski fakultetTY - JOUR AU - Danilović, Milorad AU - Ljubojević, Darko PY - 2013 UR - https://omorika.sfb.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/557 AB - U radu su prikazani rezultati analize položaja i gustine sekundarne mreže puteva u skupinasto-prebirnom sistemu gazdovanja. Istraživanja su izvršena u privrednoj jedinici Prosara u severozapanom delu Republike Srpske. Mreža traktorskih vlaka u analiziranim odeljenjima snimljena je pomoću GPS uređaja Garmin 60 i Garmin Map 62st, a pri analizi je korišćen programski paket ESRI ArcInfo 10.1. Pridržavajući se opštih smernica, nagib traktorskih vlaka je analiziran unutar šest definisanih intervala: 0-12%, 12-16%, 16-20%, 20-30%, 30-40% i preko 40%. Relativna otvorenost sekundarnom mrežom puteva određena je za maksimalno rastojanje između traktorskih vlaka od 130 m i kreće se od 82,62% do 96,37%. Ovakva otvorenost klasifikovana je kao veoma dobra i odlična. Uključujući sve faktore vezane za karakteristike sastojine i terena, proizilazi da je u svim odeljenjima gustina sekundarne mreže vlaka odgovarajuća za primenu zglobnih traktora sa vitlom bez potrebe produženja navedene maksimalne dužine užeta vitla. Od ukupne dužine analiziranih vlaka, 24% se nalazi unutar odgovarajućeg intervala nagiba ako se planira njihova konverzija u kamionske puteve, dok 37% odgovara maksimalnom nagibu sa ekološkog stanovišta. Prosečni nagib terena za čitavu analiziranu površinu iznosi 26,4%. Ovako umereno nagnut teren je pogodan za izgradnju vlaka uz mala ulaganja i mali ekološki uticaj. Zbog karakteristične konfiguracije terena, glavne traktorske vlake su položene po grebenu, dok se vlake drugog i trećeg reda odvajaju od njih najčešće u maksimalnom nagibu formirajući na taj način nepravilni oblik riblje kosti. AB - This paper presents the results of an analysis of the position and density of a secondary road network in the group-selection management system. The research was conducted in the economic unit Prosara in the north west of the Republic of Srpska. The network of skid roads in the analyzed sections was recorded using the GPS devices Garmin GPS 60 and Garmin Map 62st, and the analysis software package used was ESRI ArcInfo 10.1. Adhering to the general guidelines, the slope of skid roads was analyzed within six predefined intervals: 0-12 %, 12-16 %, 16-20 %, 20-30 %, 30-40 % and over 40%. Relative openness with a secondary road network was determined for a maximum distance between the skid roads of 130m and it ranged from 82.62 % to 96.37 %. Such openness was classified as very good and excellent. Together with all factors related to stand and terrain characteristics, it appears that in all the compartments, the density of the secondary network of skid roads is adequate for the application of a skidder with a winch, without extending above the maximum length of the winch rope. Out of the total length of analyzed skid roads, 24% is within an appropriate slope interval for a planned conversion to truck roads, whereas 37 % is the maximum slope from the ecological point of view. The average terrain slope for the whole analyzed area is 26.4%. Such moderately sloping terrain is suitable for the construction of skid roads with low investment and small environmental impact. Due to their specific configuration, the main skid roads were designed along the ridge, while the secondary and tertiary skid roads most often separated from them at the maximum slope, forming an irregular fish bone shape. PB - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd T2 - Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta T1 - Otvaranje šuma sekundarnom mrežom šumskih puteva T1 - Forest opening with a secondary road network EP - 38 IS - 108 SP - 25 DO - 10.2298/GSF1308025D UR - conv_393 ER -
@article{ author = "Danilović, Milorad and Ljubojević, Darko", year = "2013", abstract = "U radu su prikazani rezultati analize položaja i gustine sekundarne mreže puteva u skupinasto-prebirnom sistemu gazdovanja. Istraživanja su izvršena u privrednoj jedinici Prosara u severozapanom delu Republike Srpske. Mreža traktorskih vlaka u analiziranim odeljenjima snimljena je pomoću GPS uređaja Garmin 60 i Garmin Map 62st, a pri analizi je korišćen programski paket ESRI ArcInfo 10.1. Pridržavajući se opštih smernica, nagib traktorskih vlaka je analiziran unutar šest definisanih intervala: 0-12%, 12-16%, 16-20%, 20-30%, 30-40% i preko 40%. Relativna otvorenost sekundarnom mrežom puteva određena je za maksimalno rastojanje između traktorskih vlaka od 130 m i kreće se od 82,62% do 96,37%. Ovakva otvorenost klasifikovana je kao veoma dobra i odlična. Uključujući sve faktore vezane za karakteristike sastojine i terena, proizilazi da je u svim odeljenjima gustina sekundarne mreže vlaka odgovarajuća za primenu zglobnih traktora sa vitlom bez potrebe produženja navedene maksimalne dužine užeta vitla. Od ukupne dužine analiziranih vlaka, 24% se nalazi unutar odgovarajućeg intervala nagiba ako se planira njihova konverzija u kamionske puteve, dok 37% odgovara maksimalnom nagibu sa ekološkog stanovišta. Prosečni nagib terena za čitavu analiziranu površinu iznosi 26,4%. Ovako umereno nagnut teren je pogodan za izgradnju vlaka uz mala ulaganja i mali ekološki uticaj. Zbog karakteristične konfiguracije terena, glavne traktorske vlake su položene po grebenu, dok se vlake drugog i trećeg reda odvajaju od njih najčešće u maksimalnom nagibu formirajući na taj način nepravilni oblik riblje kosti., This paper presents the results of an analysis of the position and density of a secondary road network in the group-selection management system. The research was conducted in the economic unit Prosara in the north west of the Republic of Srpska. The network of skid roads in the analyzed sections was recorded using the GPS devices Garmin GPS 60 and Garmin Map 62st, and the analysis software package used was ESRI ArcInfo 10.1. Adhering to the general guidelines, the slope of skid roads was analyzed within six predefined intervals: 0-12 %, 12-16 %, 16-20 %, 20-30 %, 30-40 % and over 40%. Relative openness with a secondary road network was determined for a maximum distance between the skid roads of 130m and it ranged from 82.62 % to 96.37 %. Such openness was classified as very good and excellent. Together with all factors related to stand and terrain characteristics, it appears that in all the compartments, the density of the secondary network of skid roads is adequate for the application of a skidder with a winch, without extending above the maximum length of the winch rope. Out of the total length of analyzed skid roads, 24% is within an appropriate slope interval for a planned conversion to truck roads, whereas 37 % is the maximum slope from the ecological point of view. The average terrain slope for the whole analyzed area is 26.4%. Such moderately sloping terrain is suitable for the construction of skid roads with low investment and small environmental impact. Due to their specific configuration, the main skid roads were designed along the ridge, while the secondary and tertiary skid roads most often separated from them at the maximum slope, forming an irregular fish bone shape.", publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd", journal = "Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta", title = "Otvaranje šuma sekundarnom mrežom šumskih puteva, Forest opening with a secondary road network", pages = "38-25", number = "108", doi = "10.2298/GSF1308025D", url = "conv_393" }
Danilović, M.,& Ljubojević, D.. (2013). Otvaranje šuma sekundarnom mrežom šumskih puteva. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd.(108), 25-38. https://doi.org/10.2298/GSF1308025D conv_393
Danilović M, Ljubojević D. Otvaranje šuma sekundarnom mrežom šumskih puteva. in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta. 2013;(108):25-38. doi:10.2298/GSF1308025D conv_393 .
Danilović, Milorad, Ljubojević, Darko, "Otvaranje šuma sekundarnom mrežom šumskih puteva" in Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta, no. 108 (2013):25-38, https://doi.org/10.2298/GSF1308025D ., conv_393 .