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dc.creatorTenow, Olle
dc.creatorNilssen, Arne C.
dc.creatorBylund, Helena
dc.creatorPettersson, Rickard
dc.creatorBattisti, Andrea
dc.creatorBohn, Udo
dc.creatorCaroulle, Fabien
dc.creatorCiornei, Constantin
dc.creatorCsoka, Gyoergy
dc.creatorDelb, Horst
dc.creatorDe Prins, Willy
dc.creatorGlavendekić, Milka
dc.creatorGninenko, Yuri I.
dc.creatorHrasovec, Boris
dc.creatorMatosević, Dinka
dc.creatorMeshkova, Valentyna
dc.creatorMoraal, Leen
dc.creatorNetoiu, Constantin
dc.creatorPajares, Juan
dc.creatorRubtsov, Vasily
dc.creatorTomescu, Romica
dc.creatorUtkina, Irina
dc.description.abstractWe show that the population ecology of the 9- to 10-year cyclic, broadleaf-defoliating winter moth (Operophtera brumata) and other early-season geometrids cannot be fully understood on a local scale unless population behaviour is known on a European scale. Qualitative and quantitative data on O. brumata outbreaks were obtained from published sources and previously unpublished material provided by authors of this article. Data cover six decades from the 1950s to the first decade of twenty-first century and most European countries, giving new information fundamental for the understanding of the population ecology of O. brumata. Analyses on epicentral, regional and continental scales show that in each decade, a wave of O. brumata outbreaks travelled across Europe. On average, the waves moved unidirectionally ESEWNW, that is, toward the Scandes and the Atlantic. When one wave reached the Atlantic coast after 910 years, the next one started in East Europe to travel the same c. 3000 km distance. The average wave speed and wavelength was 330 km year-1 and 3135 km, respectively, the high speed being incongruous with sedentary geometrid populations. A mapping of the wave of the 1990s revealed that this wave travelled in a straight EW direction. It therefore passed the Scandes diagonally first in the north on its way westward. Within the frame of the Scandes, this caused the illusion that the wave moved NS. In analogy, outbreaks described previously as moving SN or occurring contemporaneously along the Scandes were probably the result of continental-scale waves meeting the Scandes obliquely from the south or in parallel. In the steppe zone of eastern-most and south-east Europe, outbreaks of the winter moth did not participate in the waves. Here, broadleaved stands are small and widely separated. This makes the zone hostile to short-distance dispersal between O. brumata subpopulations and prevents synchronization within meta-populations. We hypothesize that hostile boundary models, involving reciprocal hostherbivoreenemy reactions at the transition between the steppe and the broadleaved forest zones, offer the best explanation to the origin of outbreak waves. These results have theoretical and practical implications and indicate that multidisciplinary, continentally coordinated studies are essential for an understanding of the spatio-temporal behaviour of cyclic animal populations.en
dc.sourceJournal of Animal Ecology
dc.subjectwave theoryen
dc.subjecttravelling wavesen
dc.subjectdispersal and synchronizationen
dc.titleGeometrid outbreak waves travel across Europeen
dc.citation.other82(1): 84-95



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