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Otpornost zemljišta kao indikator mehanizma nastanka erozionog procesa
Soil resistance as an indicator of the mechanism of erosion process
dc.contributor.advisor | Ristić, Ratko | |
dc.contributor.other | Gajić, Grozdana | |
dc.contributor.other | Dragović, Nada | |
dc.contributor.other | Čebašek, Vladimir | |
dc.contributor.other | Medarević, Milan | |
dc.creator | Živanović, Nikola | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2024-12-20T11:24:59Z | |
dc.date.available | 2024-12-20T11:24:59Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2021 | |
dc.identifier.uri | https://eteze.bg.ac.rs/application/showtheses?thesesId=8646 | |
dc.identifier.uri | https://fedorabg.bg.ac.rs/fedora/get/o:25887/bdef:Content/download | |
dc.identifier.uri | https://plus.cobiss.net/cobiss/sr/sr/bib/32546569 | |
dc.identifier.uri | https://nardus.mpn.gov.rs/handle/123456789/20512 | |
dc.identifier.uri | https://omorika.sfb.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/52 | |
dc.description.abstract | Zemljište je esencijalni prirodni resurs u obezbeđivanju osnovnih ljudskih potreba. Erozija zemljišta predstavlja jedan od najzastupljenijih oblika fizičke degradacije zemljišta kako u svetu tako i u Srbiji. S obzirom da na nastanak i razvoj erozionog procesa utiče značajan broj faktora kao i njihovi međusobni odnosi, proučavanje erozionih procesa predstavlja kompleksan, dugotrajan i često skup proces. Ovo je uslovilo nedovoljnu izučenost erozionih procesa, naročito u oblastima pod šumom. Otpornost zemljišta na erozione procese se definiše fizičko-mehaničkim parametrima zemljišta. Određivanje mehanizma nastanka erozionog procesa je od ključnog značaja za razumevanje pravaca daljeg razvoja, intenziteta erozionog procesa kao i za odabir odgovarajućeg rešenja za sanaciju. Primarni cilj disertacije odnosi se na determinisanje elemenata mehanizama nastanka erozionih procesa na zemljištima istraživanog područja, analizom fizičkih i mehaničkih parametara zemljišta. Sekundarni cilj je utvrđivanje promena mehaničkih parametara zemljišta sa promenom vlažnosti simuliranom kišom. Istraživano područje nalazi se u južnom brdovitom delu Beograda, u šumskom području sa zastupljenom degradiranom šumom Quercetum frainetto – cerris. Područje je zahvaćeno intenzivnim erozionim procesima jaružanja i klizanja zemljanih masa, a takođe je uočen i proces unutrašnje linijske erozije. Prema uspostavljenom kriterijumu, zasnovanom na zastupljenosti i stepenu razvoja erozionog procesa, izvršeno je ispitivanje fizičko-mehaničkih parametara zemljišta. Specijalno konstruisanim i kalibrisanim terenskim simulatorom kiše i primenjenim odgovarajućim postupkom eksperimenta, sproveden je niz opita, sa ciljem posmatranja efekata promene vlažnosti zemljišta na promenu mehaničkih parametara zemljišta, kao i formiranje površinskog oticaja i erodiranje zemljišta. Uzimanje uzoraka i laboratorijska merenja fizičkih parametara, obavljena su prema standardu o geotehničkim ispitivanjima (SRPS.U.B1). Mehanički parametri, odnosno određivanje čvrstoće zemljišta na smicanje (τ) vršeno je korišćenjem džepne krilne sonde, a otpor pri prodoru igle (R) pomoću džepnog (ručnog) statičkog penetrometra. Dobijeni rezultati su ukazali da se mehanizam nastanka erozionih procesa na istraživanom području aktivira unutrašnjom linijskom erozijom, posle čega sledi pojava površinskih brazdi, čijim produbljivanjem nastaju jaruge i klizišta. Fizičko-mehanički parametri zemljišta, mogu se koristiti kao indikatori mogućnosti pokretanja mehanizma erozionih procesa. Na osnovu vrednosti fizičko-mehaničkih parametara zemljišta, uspostavljeni su jasni kriterijumi za utvrđivanje nastanka erozionih procesa na istraživanom području. Uspostavljen je regresioni model koji najbolje opisuje zavisnost između parametara trenutne vlažnosti zemljišta i čvrstoće zemljišta na smicanje, sa visokim koeficijentom korelacije r = − 0,85 i koeficijentom determinacije r2 = 0,72. Takođe izdvojen je model koji pokazuje povezanost parametara trenutne vlažnosti zemljišta i otpora pri prodoru igle, sa visokom korelacionom zavisnošću r = − 0,81 i koeficijentom determinacije r2 = 0,65. Na osnovu dobijenih statističkih zavisnosti može se zaključiti da sa porastom trenutne vlažnosti opadaju vrednosti mehaničkih parametara zemljišta. Prenosivi aparati za merenje mehaničkih parametara zemljišta pokazali su se kao veoma praktični u uslovima teško prohodnih terena, sa zadovoljavajućom preciznošću merenja. Rezultati disertacije mogu imati široku praktičnu primenu u okviru šumarstva. U okviru disertacije predložena je metodologija za korišćenje parametara kojima se determinišu fizičko-mehanička svojstva zemljišta u procesu identifikacije erozionih područja. | sr |
dc.description.abstract | Soil is an essential natural resource which is necessary for providing a majority of basic human needs. Soil erosion is one of the most widely distributed forms of physical land degradation, both globally and in the Republic of Serbia. Having in mind that a number of factors, as well as their respective inter-relations affect the occurrence and development of the process of soil erosion, its research can be complex, long lasting, and often very expensive. All of this has caused an overall insufficient amount of information possessed about it, especially in forested areas. Soil’s resistance to erosion can be defined by its physical and mechanical parameters. Determining the erosion process’s mechanism of occurrence is essential for understanding its further development, intensity and decision making of appropriate remediation methods. The main goal of this dissertation is to determine the elements which cause the erosion processes within the investigated area, by analysing the physical and mechanical parameters of its soil. A partial goal is determination of mechanical parameters changes that occur with the changes in soil moisture content achieved by rain simulation. The investigated area is located in the southern, hilly part of Belgrade, in a degraded forest area vegetated by Hungarian and Turkey oak (Quercetum frainetto – cerris). This area is affected by intensive landslide and gully erosion processes, and piping-erosion processes have also been reported. Having the criteria that were set based on the abundance and the level of erosion processes in mind, determination of soil’s physical and mechanical parameters has been performed. By using a field rain simulator and methodology constructed and calibrated particularly for the purpose of this research, a series of experiments were performed in order to observe the effect of changes of soil moisture content on mechanical soil parameters, and formation of runoff and soil erosion. Soil sampling and laboratory testing were done in accordance with SRPS.U.B1 geotechnical testing standards. Soil’s mechanical, shear strength parameters (τ) were determined by using a pocket vane tester, whereas penetration resistance (R) was determined by a manual (pocket) penetrometer. The results that were obtained have pointed that the mechanism of development of erosion processes at the investigated area is initiated by piping-erosion, after which surface gullying, and, finally, landslides take place. Physical and mechanical soil parameters can be used as indicators of the possibility of occurrence of erosion processes. Based on them, a clear criteria for determination of occurrence of erosion processes for the investigated area were set. A regression model with high correlation dependence (r = − 0.85) and determination coefficient (r2 = 0.72) which best shows the dependence of actual moisture content and soil’s shear strength, was adopted. Other than that, a model which shows the connections between the actual moisture content and penetration resistance was utilized, and it has also proven to possess a high correlation dependence (r = − 0.81) and determination coefficient (r2 = 0.65). Based on the statistical dependencies that were obtained, it is to be concluded that soil’s mechanical parameters values decrease with increasing the moisture content. The portable equipment that was used has proven itself to be very practical in terrains that are difficult to reach, and has shown a satisfactory precision in measuring. The results of this dissertation could be widely applied in forestry. A methodology on using the parameters for determining physical and mechanical soil properties in identifying erosion prone areas was also encompassed within this dissertation. | en |
dc.publisher | Univerzitet u Beogradu, Šumarski fakultet | |
dc.rights | openAccess | |
dc.rights.uri | https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ | |
dc.title | Otpornost zemljišta kao indikator mehanizma nastanka erozionog procesa | sr |
dc.title | Soil resistance as an indicator of the mechanism of erosion process | en |
dc.type | doctoralThesis | |
dc.rights.license | BY-NC-ND | |
dc.identifier.fulltext | omorika.sfb.bg.ac.rs/bitstream/id/728/49.pdf | |
dc.identifier.rcub | https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_nardus_20512 | |
dc.identifier.rcub | t-13651 | |
dc.type.version | publishedVersion |