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Labour engagement optimization in planning the execution of river regulation works on the Jelašnička river

dc.creatorAndrijanić, Tijana
dc.creatorDragović, Nada
dc.creatorTodosijević, Mirjana
dc.description.abstractProjekat je poduhvat koji se sastoji od skupa međusobno povezanih aktivnosti koje zahtevaju vreme i resurse za svoje izvršenje. Kod izgradnje podužnih i poprečnih objekata za uređenje bujičnih slivova često se dešava da su potrebni resursi (radna snaga, materijal, mehanizacija i finansijska sredstva) ograničeni u smislu fizičke dostupnosti zbog čega smo suočeni sa problemom njihove efikasne iskorišćenosti. Ovaj rad razmatra problem planiranja izvođenja radova na regulisanju bujičnog vodotoka Jelašničke reke, sa ciljem minimizacije produženja vremena trajanja projekta usled ograničenosti resursa. Pri planiranju realizacije ovog projekta resurs koji je ograničen je angažovanje radne snage. Primenom heurističke metode, odnosno modifikovanog oblika Gray Kidd-ovog algoritma uz podršku softvera MS Projecta izvršena je raspodela resursa u cilju dobijanja optimalnog angažovanja radne snage. Ova metoda kao ulazne elemente koristi podatke dobijene CPM metodom mrežnog planiranja. Kroz više iteracija pomeranjem nekritičnih, a potom i kritičnih aktivnosti, izvršena je optimizacija angažovanja radne snage uz minimalno produženje vremena trajanja projekta. Prema tome, primenjene metode su se pokazale kao efikasne za rešavanje problema planiranja projekta sa ograničenim
dc.description.abstractA project is a task comprising a set of interrelated activities requiring time and resources for their execution. It is often the case that during the construction of longitudinal and cross section structures for the regulation of a torrential catchment the required resources (labour, materials, mechanization, and finances) are often limited and because of that we face the problem of their efficient use. This paper deals with the problem of planning the execution of river regulation works on the Jelašnička River with the aim to minimize the time extension due to limited resources. In the planning phase of project realization labour force is the limited resource. Heuristic techniques, i.e. the Gray-Kidd algorithm with the use of MS Project software were applied in the distribution of resources for the purposes of optimal labour engagement. This method uses the data acquired by the CPM method of network planning as input elements. Through more iterations, by moving noncritical and then critical project activities, the minimal extension of project duration was achieved by engaging more labour force. Therefore, the proposed heuristic and CPM method performed well in resolving the resource-constrained project scheduling problem.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/43007/RS//
dc.sourceGlasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
dc.subjectplaniranje radne snagesr
dc.subjectGray Kidd-ov algoritamsr
dc.subjectCPM metodasr
dc.subjectbujični vodotoksr
dc.subjecttorrential streamen
dc.subjectlabour planningen
dc.subjectGray-Kidd algorithmen
dc.subjectCPM methoden
dc.titleOptimizacija angažovanja radne snage pri planiranju izvođenja radova na regulaciji Jelašničke rekesr
dc.titleLabour engagement optimization in planning the execution of river regulation works on the Jelašnička riveren
dc.citation.other(106): 29-40

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