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Structural and productive-developmental characteristics of white willow plantations of different density on humogley in Donji Srem

dc.creatorAndrašev, Siniša
dc.creatorVučković, Milivoj
dc.creatorBobinac, Martin
dc.creatorIvanišević, Petar
dc.creatorStajić, Branko
dc.description.abstractIstraživanja su obavljena u dva zasada bele vrbe (Salix alba L.) u Donjem Sremu na zemljištu tipa humoglej (ritska crnica) koje pripada šumi poljskog jasena sa retkoklasim šašem (Carici remotae - Fraxinetum angustifoliae Jov. et Tom. 1979). Zasadi se nalaze u istoj depresiji, pri čemu je zasad OP-1 starosti 21 godinu sa razmakom sadnje 6×6 m, a zasad OP-2 starosti 27 godina sa razmakom sadnje 3×3 m. Elementi rasta stabala na OP- 1 su pokazali da bela vrba pri razmaku sadnje 6×6 m u planiranoj dužini proizvodnog ciklusa od 25 godina može da ostvari oko 250 m3·ha-1 drvne zapremine sa neto učešćem tehničkog drveta 80% i celuloznog drveta 20%. Zasad na OP-2 se nalazi u starosti koja je znatno iznad optimalne starosti sa aspekta racionalnog gazdovanja, a ukupna zapremina u 27 godina iznosi oko 300 m3·ha-1, sa neto učešćem tehničkog drveta od 53,7% i celuloznog drveta 46,3%.sr
dc.description.abstractThe study was conducted in two plantations of white willow (Salix alba L.) in Donji Srem on the humogley soil type (hydromorphic black soil), which belongs to a narrow-leaved ash forest with remote sedge (Carici remotae - Fraxinetum angustifoliae Jov. et Tom., 1979). The plantations are located in the same depression. The SP (sample plot)-1 plantation is 21 years old with a 6×6 m planting spacing, and the SP-2 plantation is 27 years old with a 3×3m planting spacing. Elements of stem growth in the SP-1 plantation showed that with the white willow planting spacing of 6×6 m and a planned 25-year production cycle it is possible to obtain about 250 m3·ha-1 of timber volume, with an 80% net share of technical wood and a 20 % share of pulp wood. The plantation in SP-2 is at the age, which is well above the optimum age in terms of rational management, and the total volume at the age of 27 years is about 300 m3·ha-1, with a 53.7% net share of technical wood and a 46.3% share of pulpwood.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/43007/RS//
dc.sourceGlasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
dc.subjectstruktura zasadasr
dc.subjectrast stabalasr
dc.subjectgustina sadnjesr
dc.subjectbela vrbasr
dc.subjectwhite willowen
dc.subjectstem growthen
dc.subjectplanting densityen
dc.subjectplantation structureen
dc.titleStrukturne i razvojno-proizvodne karakteristike zasada bele vrbe različite gustine na humogleju u Donjem Sremusr
dc.titleStructural and productive-developmental characteristics of white willow plantations of different density on humogley in Donji Sremen
dc.citation.other(106): 7-28



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