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Formation of useful waters on the Stara Planina Mountain, in the area Visok Kraj

dc.creatorNikić, Zoran
dc.creatorLetić, Ljubomir
dc.creatorNikolić, Vesna
dc.description.abstractIstraživano je formiranje i oticanje korisnih voda sa jugozapadnih padina Stare planine, na prostoru Visokog kraja, kao tipičnog brdsko-planinskog područja istočne Srbije. Izdvojen je sliv Dojkinačke reke, zbog niza edafskih specifičnosti. U ovom slivu dominiraju šume bukve (pojas Fagetum moesiacea serbicum Rud.) uglavnom razvijene na kiselo humusno-silikatnom i kiselo smeđem zemljištu, različite dubine i stepena razvoja pedogenetskih procesa. Cilj rada jeste da se usmeri više svetlosti na elemente koji imaju uticaja na prinos korisnih i malih voda u slivu Dojkinačke reke. Analizirani su složeni odnosi geološke građe terena, zatim, klimatske prilike, pedološke karakteristike, hidrološki i hidrogeološki uslovi, šumska vegetacija i drugo. Korišćenjem metoda vodnog bilansiranja, terenskog geološkog kartiranja i trasiranja, detektovani su elementi koji su značajni za pravilno tumačenje prinosa korisnih voda i malih voda u konkretnom slučaju. Istaknuto je da nepodudaranje topografskog i hidrogeološkog slivnog područja Dojkinačke reke, predstavlja bitan element koji treba respektovati u cilju realnog određivanja količina korisnih, odnosno malih, voda.sr
dc.description.abstractFormation and discharge of useful waters was studied on southwestern slopes of the Stara Planina Mountain, in the area Visok Kraj that is the typical hilly-mountainous region in East Serbia. The catchment's area of Dojkinacka River was chosen due to numerous and specific edaphic properties. Pump forests (association: Fagetum moesiacea serbicum Rud.) dominate here and were mostly developed on slightly acidic, humus-silicate or on acidic brownish soil. Soils are of a range of depths and development of pedogenetic processes. The aim of this work is to highlight elements that have pronounced influence on supply of useful and small water bodies in the catchment area of Dojkinacka River. Complex relations between geological setting, climate conditions, pedological characteristics, hydrological and hydrogeological conditions, forest vegetation etc. were analyzed. Elements that are significant for proper evaluation of useful water or small domains supply were in this case detected through water balance methods, geological mapping and tracking. It was deduced that the disagreement of topographic and hydrological catchment's area of Dojkinacka River represents the significant element which should be taken into consideration in order to determine the real reserves of useful, i.e. small water domains.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/37008/RS//
dc.sourceGlasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
dc.subjecttip vegetacijesr
dc.subjectslivno područje (topografsko i hidro-geološko)sr
dc.subjectkorisne vodesr
dc.subjectgeološka građasr
dc.subjectuseful watersen
dc.subjectgeological backgrounden
dc.subjectcatchment area (topographic and hydrogeological)en
dc.titleFormiranje korisnih voda na Staroj planini u oblasti Visok Krajsr
dc.titleFormation of useful waters on the Stara Planina Mountain, in the area Visok Krajen
dc.citation.other(105): 139-156



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