Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Modeling of base flows by analysing the streamflow hydrograph

dc.creatorĐukić, Vesna
dc.creatorMihailović, Vladislava
dc.description.abstractU toku sušnih perioda, proticaj na srednjim i malim vodotocima je značajno smanjen i jednak je proticaju podzemnih voda. S obzirom da bazni oticaji pružaju informacije o osobinama akvifera i retenzionim karakteristikama sliva, mogućnosti analize i simulacije baznih proticaja postaju značajni u uslovima intenzivnog korišćenja voda i sve većih zahteva i potreba za adekvatnom zaštitom kvaliteta voda. U radu je formiran model pomoću koga su, na osnovu hidrograma oticaja registrovanih na izlaznom profilu sliva, opisane zakonitosti u promenama baznih oticaja, na primeru sliva Kolubare do profila 'Valjevo'. S obzirom da veličinu baznog oticaja sa nekog sliva nije moguće izmeriti, rezultati baznih proticaja dobijeni primenom metode lokalnih minimuma usvojeni su kao kriterijum prema kome su poređene modelirane vrednosti baznih oticaja. Primenom formiranog modela urađene su simulacije hidrograma baznog oticaja tokom tri karakteristične godine (kišne -1970., prosečne - 1985. i sušne - 1990.). Odstupanja između vrednosti baznih proticaja dobijenih primenom formiranog modela i primenom metode lokalnih minimuma su prihvatljiva sa stanovišta opšte hidrološke tač
dc.description.abstractDuring dry periods, the flow of medium and small streams is significantly reduced and equal to groundwater flow. Since the base flows provide information about aquifer characteristics and retention characteristics of a basin, the possibilities of analysis and simulation of base flows gain importance under the conditions of intensive water use and the increasing demand for adequate water quality protection. In this paper, a model was established and used for the description of the principles governing the changes of base runoff on the basis of a streamflow hydrograph registered at the outlet of the basin on the example of the Kolubara basin up to the 'Valjevo' profile. Since the amount of base runoff from a basin cannot be measured, the results of base flows obtained using the local minimum method were adopted as the criterion for the comparison of the modeled values of base runoffs. The created model was applied for making simulations of the base runoff hydrograph during three characteristic years (rainy 1970, average 1985, and dry 1990). Deviations between the base flow values obtained using the established model and by applying the local minimum method are acceptable from the standpoint of general hydrological accuracy.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
dc.sourceGlasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
dc.subjectrecesiona krivasr
dc.subjectkriva koncentracijesr
dc.subjecthidrogram oticajasr
dc.subjectbazni oticajisr
dc.subjectstreamflow hydrographen
dc.subjectrecession curveen
dc.subjectconcentration curveen
dc.subjectbase runoffen
dc.titleModeliranje baznih oticaja analizom hidrograma oticajasr
dc.titleModeling of base flows by analysing the streamflow hydrographen
dc.citation.other(106): 71-86



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