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Spatial and temporal distribution of potential vulnerability to wind erosion processes in Vojvodina

dc.creatorSavić, Radovan
dc.creatorLetić, Ljubomir
dc.creatorBenka, Pavel
dc.creatorOndrašek, Gabrijel
dc.creatorNikolić, Vesna
dc.description.abstractEolska erozija predstavlja značajan vid degradacije obradivih poljoprivrednih zemljišta. Prirodni i antropogeni faktori na području Vojvodine pogoduju nastanku i razvoju intenzivnih vetroerozionih procesa. Među brojnim uzročnim faktorima složenog procesa eolske erozije (reljef, klima, zemljište, vegetacija, način korišćenja zemljišta, organizacija zemljišne teritorije itd.) u ovom radu se analizira klima, kao agresivna komponenta erozije. Prvenstveno vetar, a zatim padavine i temperature, odnosno njihova nepovoljna koincidencija, direktno ili indirektno utiču na potencijalnu opasnost od pojave i razvoja eolske erozije. Stvarna realizacija procesa, tj. produkcija eolskog nanosa, zavisi i od svih ostalih relevantnih činilaca. Na osnovu definisanog klimatskog faktora izdvojena su područja i periodi sa različitim stepenom potencijalne ugroženosti i opasnosti od nastanka eolske erozije. Konstatovano je da prema klimatskom faktoru područje Banata može da se smatra 3 do 4 puta ugroženije od ostalih delova Vojvodine. Najintenzivniji erozioni procesi mogući su tokom ranog proleća (april) i jeseni (oktobar), posebno u izrazito sušnim godinama.sr
dc.description.abstractWind erosion represents a significant type of degradation of arable agricultural soil. Natural and anthropogenic factors in Vojvodina are favourable for the occurance and development of intensive wind erosive processes. Along with the numerous causal factors of a complex process of wind erosion (relief, climate, soil, vegetation, manner of land usage, land consolidation, etc.), the accent in this paper is especially on climate as an aggressive component of wind erosion processes. Primarily wind, and then precipitation and temperatures, i.e. unfavourable coincidence of the aforementioned climatic elements, directly or indirectly affects the potential occurence and development of wind erosion. Actual realization of the process, that is, forming of wind deposits, depends on all the other relevant factors. Based on unfavourable coincidence of climatic factors, one can distinguish areas and periods when the conditions of potential occurrence of wind erosion are at its most aggressive. It has been determined that, according to the climatic factors, the area of Banat is more endangered than other areas in Vojvodina (3 to 4 times more). The most intensive processes are possible in early spring (April) and in autumn (October), especially in extremely dry years.en
dc.subjectintenzitet erozijesr
dc.subjecterozioni faktorisr
dc.subjecteolska erozijasr
dc.subjectdegradacija zemljištasr
dc.subjectwind erosionen
dc.subjectsoil degradationen
dc.subjectintensity of erosionen
dc.subjecterosion factorsen
dc.titleProstorna i vremenska raspodela potencijalne ugroženosti područja Vojvodine procesima eolske erozijesr
dc.titleSpatial and temporal distribution of potential vulnerability to wind erosion processes in Vojvodinaen
dc.citation.other13(2): 191-198



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