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Environmental characteristics in the European beech provenance trials at Fruška gora mountain and Debeli lug

dc.creatorStojnić, Srđan
dc.creatorOrlović, Saša
dc.creatorGalić, Zoran
dc.creatorVasić, Verica
dc.creatorVilotić, Dragica
dc.creatorKnežević, Milan
dc.creatorŠijačić-Nikolić, Mirjana
dc.description.abstractPrvi provenijenični testovi bukve u Srbiji su osnovani u proleće 2007. godine u okviru COST akcije E52: 'Evaluation of Beech Genetic Resources for Sustainable Forestry'. Testovi su osnovani na dva lokaliteta: Fruška gora (severni deo Srbije) i Debeli Lug (istočni deo Srbije). S obzirom da se u prethodnim godinama, istraživanje varijabilnosti i adaptibilnosti provenijencija bukve vršilo paralelno u oba testa, nametnula se potreba da se detaljnije ispitaju klimatske i stanišne karakteristike lokaliteta, kako bi se stvorila jasnija slika o njihovom uticaju na istraživane osobine kod bukve. S toga je u radu dat detaljan, uporedni prikaz: a) klimatskih karakteristika lokaliteta, b) pedoloških karakteristika lokaliteta i c) stepen prisutnosti i pokrovnosti predstavnika korovske vegetacije. Od klimatskih parametara su prikazane godišnje i srednje mesečne vrednosti najvažnijih klimatskih elemenata: prosečna temperatura vazduha, suma padavina, pluviometrijski i hidrični bilans; klimatsko-geografske karakteristike - termodromski koeficijent po Kerner-u, Lang-ov kišni faktor, pluviometrijska ugroženost i indeks suše po De Martonn-u. Pripadnost istraživanih područja određenim klimatskim tipovima je određena po metodu Thornthwaite-Mather-a i Lang-a. Pedološke karakteristike lokaliteta su date kroz fizičke i hemijske osobine zemljišta. Fitocenološka snimanja su obavljena po metodu Braun-Blaquet. Životne forme biljaka određene su prema Raunkiaer - u. Rezultati istraživanja upućuju na zaključak da se lokaliteti Fruška gora i Debeli Lug u velikoj meri razlikuju u pogledu posmatranih karakteristika, a samim tim i pogodnosti za rast sadnica bukve.sr
dc.description.abstractThe first provenance trials of European beech in Serbia were established in spring of 2007 in the framework of COST Action E52: 'Evaluation of Beech Genetic Resources for Sustainable Forestry'. Trials are placed on two localities: Fruška Gora Mountain (northern part of Serbia) and Debeli Lug (eastern part of Serbia). In the previous years, several studies regarding variability and adaptability of different European beech provenances were conducted in these sites. In order to understand the complex effect of site characteristics on provenance performances, it was needed examination of environmental characteristics of given localities. Therefore, the aim of this study is detail, comparative analysis of: a) climate characteristics of sites, b) pedological characteristics of sites and c) degree of presence and cover value of weed flora. Annual and mean monthly values of major climate elements, significant for the development of vegetation are presented: mean temperature, sum of precipitations, pluviometric and hydric balance, climate-geographical characteristics - thermodrome coefficient after Kerner, Lang's rain factor, pluviometric hazard and drought index after De Martonn. Climate type was determined using Thornthwaite-Mather and Lang's method. Pedological characteristics are given throught the physical and chemical properties of soil. Phytocenological observations were performed using Braun-Blaquet method. Life form of plants was determined after Raunkiaer. Results revealed significant differences in environmental characteristics between sites Fruška Gora Mt and Debeli Lug, which could lead to different performances of provenances depending on site of planting.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu - Institut za nizijsko šumarstvo i životnu sredinu, Novi Sad
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/43007/RS//
dc.subjectprovenijenični testsr
dc.subjectpedološke karakteristikesr
dc.subjectkorovska vegetacijasr
dc.subjectklimatske karakteristikesr
dc.subjectweed floraen
dc.subjectprovenance trialen
dc.subjectpedological characteristicsen
dc.subjecteuropean beechen
dc.subjectclimate characteristicsen
dc.titleStanišne i klimatske karakteristike u provenijeničnim testovima bukve na Fruškoj gori i u Debelom lugusr
dc.titleEnvironmental characteristics in the European beech provenance trials at Fruška gora mountain and Debeli lugen
dc.citation.other(189-190): 125-142



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