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Land use change for flood protection: A prospective study for the restoration of the river Jelašnica watershed

dc.creatorRistić, Ratko
dc.creatorRadić, Boris
dc.creatorVasiljević, Nevena
dc.creatorNikić, Zoran
dc.description.abstractBrdsko-planinska područja Srbije izložena su destruktivnom dejstvu poplava, što je posledica njihovih prirodnih karakteristika i uticaja ljudskog faktora. Neodgovarajuće korišćenje zemljišta utiče na razvoj erozionih procesa usled čega dolazi do degradacije, smanjenja infiltraciono- retencionog kapaciteta, odnosno, povećavaju se nepropusne i slabo propusne na račun propusnih površina. Na taj način se stvaraju uslovi za češću pojavu bujičnih poplava i deponovanje vučenog nanosa na nizvodnim deonicama. Degradacija životne sredine stvara ekonomsko-socijalne probleme u okviru lokalnih zajednica što često prati depopulacija. Restauracija slivova, do njihovog optimalnog hidrološkog stanja, bi smanjila poplavni proticaj i poboljšala obnavljanje rezervi podzemnih voda, uz povećanje malog i srednjeg proticaja na izvorima i potocima. Prakse najboljeg upravljanja bi se mogle razraditi primenom specifičnih kombinacija biotehničkih, tehničkih i administrativnih mera i koncepta 'prirodnih rezervoara'. Kreiranje takve prakse upravljanja je istraženo u studiji slučaja sliva reke Jelašnice u jugoistočnoj Srbiji. Realizacija planiranih restauracionih zahvata bi trebalo da dovede do smanjenja godišnje produkcije erozionog materijala za 44.1% i specifičnog godišnjeg pronosa nanosa kroz hidrografsku mrežu za 43.6%. Reprezentativna vrednost koeficijenta erozije biće redukovana sa Z=0,555 na Z=0,379. Vrednost maksimalnog proticaja Qmax-AMCIII (1%)=54,17 m3·s-1, pre restauracije smanjena je na Qmax-AMCIII (1%)=41,22 m3·s-1 posle restauracije, što ukazuje na poboljšanje hidroloških uslova kao direktnu posledicu promene načina korišćenja zemljišta. Administrativne mere se primenjuju kroz 'Planove za proglašenje erozionih područja i zaštitu od bujičnih poplava na teritoriji opštine Leskovac'.sr
dc.description.abstractSerbia's hilly-mountainous regions are extremely vulnerable to flooding as a consequence of their natural characteristics and human impacts. Land mismanagement influences the development of erosion processes, and causes soil degradation that significantly reduces the land's capacity to infiltrate and retain rainwater. Inappropriate land use as well as development activities replace permeable with impervious surfaces in the watershed. This leads to more rapid runoff generation and the more frequent appearance of torrential floods and bed-load deposits on downstream sections. Environmental degradation creates economicsocial problems within local societies which is often followed by depopulation. Restoring watersheds to their optimal hydrologic state would reduce flood discharge and by increasing groundwater recharge would increase both low-flow and average discharges in springs and streams. Best management practices could be developed through the application of specific combinations of biotechnical, technical and administrative measures, and by using the concept of 'natural reservoirs'. The design of such practices is explored through a case study of the watershed of the river Jelašnica, southeastern Serbia. Realization of these planned restoration works should help decrease the annual yields of erosive material by 44.1% and the specific annual transport of sediment through hydrographic network by 43.6%. Representative value of the coefficient of erosion will be reduced from Z=0.555 to Z=0.379. The value of maximal discharge Qmax-AMCIII (1%)=54.17 m3·s-1, before restoration, is decreased to Qmax-AMCIII (1%)=41.22 m3·s-1 after restoration, indicating the improvement of hydrological conditions, as a direct consequence of land use changes. Administrative measures are applied through 'Plans for announcement of erosive regions and protection from torrential floods in the territory of Leskovac municipality'.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/43007/RS//
dc.sourceGlasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
dc.subjectzaštita od poplavasr
dc.subjectprakse najboljeg upravljanjasr
dc.subjectnačin korišćenja zemljištasr
dc.subjectmaksimalni proticajsr
dc.subjectmaximal dischargeen
dc.subjectland useen
dc.subjectflood protectionen
dc.subjectbest management practicesen
dc.titlePromene načina korišćenja zemljišta i odbrana od poplava - primer sliva reke Jelašnicesr
dc.titleLand use change for flood protection: A prospective study for the restoration of the river Jelašnica watersheden
dc.citation.other(103): 115-130



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