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Indian shoot (Canna indica L.) in phytoremediation of water contaminated with heavy metals

dc.creatorČule, Nevena
dc.creatorJovanović, Ljubinko
dc.creatorDražić, Dragana
dc.creatorVeselinović, Milorad
dc.creatorMitrović, Suzana
dc.creatorNešić, Marija
dc.description.abstractU radu su predstavljeni rezultat eksperimenata sa biljkom kana (Canna indica L.), koji su postavljeni u cilju dobijanja egzaktnih pokazatelja o potencijalu ove biljke za uklanjanje teških metala (olova) iz akvatičnih sredina i produkciji biomase. Teški metali, kao što su Cd, Hg, Pb, As, Tl i U i koji mogu da se detektuju u industrijskim i drugi otpadnim vodama nemaju biološku vrednost za žive organizme, već su izuzetno toksični i u relativno malim koncentracijama. Alternativne metode, koje koriste biljke za uklanjanje polutanata iz kontaminiranih voda, zemljišta i vazduha bi jednim imenom mogle da se nazovu fıtoremedijacija. Ovaj pojam se odnosi na raznovrsan kompleks tehnologija, koje se baziraju na upotrebi biljaka, prirodnih ili genetski stvorenih, radi uklanjanje polutanata iz životne sredine ili radi njihovog pretvaranja u netoksične oblike. Kana je samo jedna od biljaka, koja se u poslednje vreme sve više koristi u konstruisanim akvatičnim ekosistemima. Ona se u eksperimentima pokazala kao biljka vrlo tolerantna na odsustvo hranljivih materija i biljka koja može da stvara veliku količinu biomase. U vodi razvija izuzetno gust, jak i žiličast korenov sistem sa velikom površinom za usvajanje teških metala. Vrlo je tolerantna na prisustvo olova, koje lako usvaja i koncentriše u korenu i rizomu, jer je translokacija u nadzemne delove slaba.sr
dc.description.abstractThis paper presents the results of experiments with the plant Indian shoot (Canna indica L.), which were conducted in order to obtain the exact indicators of the plant potential for the removal of heavy metals (lead) from the aquatic environment and biomass production. Heavy metals such as Cd, Hg, Pb, As, Tl and U, which can be detected in industrial and other wastewaters have no biological value for living organisms, but are extremely toxic even in relatively low concentrations. Alternative methods that use plants to remove pollutants from contaminated water, soil and air, can be named as phytoremediation. This term refers to the diverse complex of technologies based on the use of natural or genetically created plants for the purpose of removal of pollutants from the environment or their transformation into nontoxic forms. Indian shoot is just one of the plants that have been used recently in constructed aquatic ecosystems. This plant has experimentally been proved to be very tolerant to the absence of nutrients, and able to produce large amounts of biomass. In the water it develops a very thick strong fibrous root system with a large area for the adoption of heavy metals. It is highly tolerant to the presence of lead and is able to absorb and store it in the root and rhizome due to low translocation to aboveground parts.en
dc.publisherInstitut za šumarstvo, Beograd
dc.sourceSustainable Forestry: Collection
dc.subjectteški metalisr
dc.subjectCanna indica L.sr
dc.subjectakvatična sredinasr
dc.subjectheavy metalsen
dc.subjectCanna indica L.en
dc.subjectaquatic environmenten
dc.titleKana (Canna indica L.) u fitoremedijaciji voda zagađenih teškim metalimasr
dc.titleIndian shoot (Canna indica L.) in phytoremediation of water contaminated with heavy metalsen
dc.citation.other(63-64): 51-64



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