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Invasive plant species in lawns of Belgrade parks

dc.creatorStavretović, Nenad
dc.creatorPetrović, Jovana
dc.creatorĐurić, Milica
dc.description.abstractInvazivne vrste negativno utiču na bioraznolikost ugrožavajući opstanak autohtone vegetacije. Globalno, smatraju se drugom najvećom pretnjom biodiverzitetu (odmah nakon neposrednog uništavanja prirodnih staništa). Takođe, njihovo prisustvo može izazvati zdravstvene probleme kod ljudi (alergijske reakcije), zbog čega se dodatno smatraju nepoželjnim u gradskim parkovima, oazama urbanih prostora. U radu je analizirano prisustvo invazivnih i potencijalno invazivnih biljnih vrsta u travnjacima parkova Beograda. Istraživanja su sprovedena u okviru 10 parkova i ukupno je evidentirano 184 biljne vrste. Od ukupnog broja, 23 vrste karakterišu se kao invazivne ili potencijalno invazivne. Procentualna zastupljenost invazivnih vrsta po parkovima kreće se u graničnim vrednostima (5,08 % - 17,39 %). Najveća zastupljenost invazivnih vrsta u odnosu na ukupan broj vrsta evidentirana je u parku Manjež 17,39 %. Izvršena istraživanja su pokazala da je u svakom parku bar na jednom lokalitetu zabeleženo postojanje invazivne vrste, što može potencijalno da naruši kvalitet celog sklopa. Takođe je primećeno neravnomerno održavanje jedne parkovske celine, čime se narušava prvenstveno dekorativni, vizuelni izgled parka. Istraživanja prisustva invazivnih vrsta moraju se sprovoditi u kontinuitetu, sa ciljem preduzimanja adekvatnih mera koje bi doprinele smanjenju njihovog širenja i
dc.description.abstractInvasive species have a negative impact on biodiversity threatening the survival of native vegetation. Globally, it is considered as the second greatest threat to biodiversity (immediately after destruction of natural habitats). Their presence can also cause a serious threat to the health of human (allergic reaction), which makes them unwanted in urban parks, which is oasis in urban space. In this paper the presence of invasive and potentially invasive plant species in lawns of parks in Belgrade has been analyzed. Research was completed in 10 parks and 196 plant species are found. Out of that number, 23 plant species (12.5%) were characterized as invasive and potentially invasive. Percentage of invasive species distribution in parks ranged within limit values of (5.08% - 17.39 %). The highest distribution of invasive species, compared to total number of species, was recorded in lawns of park Manjež (17.39 %). Completed studies have shown that in each park at least at one site noted the existence of invasive species, which could potentially undermine the quality of the whole assembly. It was also observed uneven maintenance of a park unit, thus causing primarily decorative, the visual appearance of the park. Research the presence of invasive species must be carried out continuously, in order to take adequate measures that would contribute to reducing their number and spread.en
dc.publisherHerbološko društvo Srbije
dc.sourceActa herbologica
dc.subjecttravne površinesr
dc.subjectinvazivne vrstesr
dc.subjecturban parksen
dc.subjectinvasive speciesen
dc.titleInvazivne biljne vrste u travnim površinama nekih parkova Beogradasr
dc.titleInvasive plant species in lawns of Belgrade parksen
dc.citation.other20(2): 121-131

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