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Production potential of the soil and the basic elements of productivity of the most widely spread sessile types in the u. N.P. 'Đerdap'

dc.creatorKnežević, Milan
dc.creatorMilošević, Rajko
dc.creatorKošanin, Olivera
dc.description.abstractU radu su prikazani rezultati proučavanja zemljišta i njihovog proizvodnog potencijala u tipovima šuma hrasta kitnjaka na području Nacionalnog parka 'Đerdap', u gazdinskim jedinicama: Zlatica, Đerdap, Štrbačko korito, Desna reka i Kožica. Takođe, data je i ocena iskorišćenja proizvodnog potencijala proučavanih zemljišta, odnosno ocena produkcionih pokazatelja stanišnih uslova koji se realizuju kroz prinos i
dc.description.abstractThis paper is on the results of the soil and its production potential in the types of forests of sessile oaks (Quercus petraea) in the area of the National Park 'Đerdap' in the community units of Zlatica, Đerdap, Štrbačko korito, Desna reka and Kožica. There are the most widely spread types of the sprout forests of the sessile oaks in the research area, deep deluvium, luvisoil, eutric cambsoils, and a great number of subtypes of acid brown soil. Considering the fact that the production potential of the defined types of soil depends on the depth, skeleton and other physical characteristics which determine acception, keeping and moving of water and this means that the production value of the studied soils is in the direct correlation with physical-geographical conditions of the environment. Taking into account that solum is well developed and the low contents of skeleton, all the studied soil in the most widely spread types of sessile oaks in the area of N.P. 'Đerdap', are very productive natural habitats. The exception is acid brown soil, which characteristics vary as well as their production potential. Apart from a good production potential of the studied soils within this paper, sessile forests in the researched areas irrationally use production potential of the habitat. In the research area in the last 20 years, the processes of devitalizing and the appearance of decaying of sessile oaks are expressed. In the sessile forests of Serbia, there are forests of the production and protection character, and the structure of the sessile forests at global level is characterized by not normal state with domination of middle aged and in great extent mature withering ingredients, what is the main cause of insufficiently used good potential of the soil.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
dc.sourceGlasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
dc.subjecttipovi šuma hrasta kitnjakasr
dc.subjectproizvodni potencijalsr
dc.subjectN.P. 'Đerdap'sr
dc.subjecttypes of forests of sessile oaksen
dc.subjectproduction potentialen
dc.subjectN.P. 'Đerdap'en
dc.titleProizvodni potencijal zemljišta i osnovni elementi produktivnosti najzastupljenijih kitnjakovih tipova šuma u N.P. 'Đerdap'sr
dc.titleProduction potential of the soil and the basic elements of productivity of the most widely spread sessile types in the u. N.P. 'Đerdap'en
dc.citation.other(102): 57-67

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