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Elements of structure and productivity of clone I-214 (Populus×euramericana (Dode) Guinier) plantations on the river Sava alluvium

dc.creatorAndrašev, Siniša
dc.creatorRončević, Savo
dc.creatorVučković, Milivoj
dc.creatorBobinac, Martin
dc.creatorDanilović, Milorad
dc.creatorJanjatović, Gojko
dc.description.abstractIstraživanja su obavljena u dva ogledna zasada euroameričke topole (Populus×euramericana (Dode) Guinier) - klon I-214 na aluvijumu reke Save u Sremu. U svakom zasadu starosti 31 godinu izdvojene su po tri ogledne površine. Zasadi su osnovani na zemljištu tipa humofluvisol (aluvijalni semiglej) sa razmakom sadnje 6×6 m. Zasadi su osnovani sa 278 sadnica po hektaru, a broj stabala u 31. godini iznosio je 46,5-60,6% od toga. Konstruisane visinske krive, kao i srednje sastojinske hg i gornje hg20% visine pokazuju da istraživani zasadi pripadaju različitim bonitetima staništa, što se značajno odrazilo na druge elemente rasta zasada i proizvodnost. Međutim, nije utvrđen značajan uticaj boniteta staništa na varijabilitet (sd i cv) i oblik debljinske strukture (α3 i α4). Konstruisani modeli debljinske strukture za svaki bonitet (po funkciji Weibull-a) razlikuju se po parametru položaja (a), dok se ne razlikuju po parametrima raspona (b) i oblika (c). Elementi rasta stabala i zasada pokazali su visok proizvodni potencijal klona I-214 što upućuje da na optimalnim zemljištima uz obezbeđenje svih potrebnih tehnoloških mera u fazi rasadničke proizvodnje i fazi osnivanja zasada, klon I-214 predstavlja i dalje osnov za postizanje visokih proizvodnih
dc.description.abstractTwo experimental plantations of Euramerican poplar (Populus×euramericana (Dode) Guinier) - clone I-214 were researched on the river Sava alluvium in Srem. Three sample plots were established in each of the plantations, aged 31 years. The soil type was humofluvisol (alluvial semigley), planting space 6×6 m. The plantations were established with 278 rooted cuttings per hectare, and the number of trees at the age of 31 accounted for 46.5-60.6%. The constructed height curves, mean stand height (hg) and upper (hg20%) heights show that the study plantations were established on different site classes, which was significantly reflected on other plantation growth elements and productivity. However, there was no significant effect of site class on the variability (sd and cv) and shape of diameter structure (α3 and α4). The constructed models of diameter structure for each site class (by Weibull function) differ by location parameter (a), and do not differ by parameter of scale (b) and shape (c). The tree and plantation growth elements show a high production potential of the clone I-214 which indicates that, on optimal soils and with the provided technological measures in the stage of nursery production and in the stage of plantation establishment, clone I-214 presents the good base for high production effects.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
dc.sourceGlasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
dc.subjectvisinski bonitetsr
dc.subjectproizvodnost zasadasr
dc.subjectklon I-214sr
dc.subjectdebljinska strukturasr
dc.subjectplantation productivityen
dc.subjectheight classen
dc.subjectdiameter structureen
dc.subjectclone I-214en
dc.titleElementi strukture i proizvodnost zasada klona I-214 (Populus×euramericana (Dode) Guinier) na aluvijumu reke Savesr
dc.titleElements of structure and productivity of clone I-214 (Populus×euramericana (Dode) Guinier) plantations on the river Sava alluviumen
dc.citation.other(101): 7-24

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