Radovi istraživača / Researchers’ publications: Recent submissions
Приказ резултата 521-540 од 1472
Connection between urban green areas and visitors' physical and mental well-being
(Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 2019) -
Needle morpho-anatomy and pollen morphophysiology of selected conifers in urban conditions
(Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2019) -
Floristic composition of black pine forests on serpentinite in the territory of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H)
(Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2019) -
Examination of the experience of biomorphic form materialized in urban design model
(Springer Verlag, 2019) -
EPPO Contingency Exercise Workshop for a Forestry Pest, Zlatibor, Serbia, 2018-11-27/29
(Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2019) -
Climate characteristics of a hilly-mountainous area in eastern Serbia
(Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2019) -
Simulacije procesa padavine-oticaj na slivu Lukovske reke korišćenjem HEC-HMS modela / Rainfall-runoff simulations in the Lukovska River basin with the HEC-HMS model
(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 2019) -
Pathogenicity of fungi associated with ash dieback symptoms of one-year-old Fraxinus excelsior in Montenegro
(Forest Pathology, 2019) -
Chromatographic descriptors in QSAR study of barbiturates
(Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, 2019) -
Growth characteristics of one-year-old seedlings of three autochthonous oak species in suboptimal growing conditions
(SPS Reforesta, Beograd, 2019) -
Influence of Diameter and Quality of Beech Logs on the Potential Energy of Sawmill Residues
(BioResources, 2019) -
Harmonisation of stem volume estimates in European National Forest Inventories
(Annals of Forest Science, 2019) -
Нови подаци о распрострањењу ксилофагних инсеката храста и њихових паразитоида и инквилина у Србији / New data on the distribution of xylophagous insects of oak and their parasitoids and inquilines in Serbia
(Entomološko društvo Srbije, Beograd i Univerzitet u Beogradu - Biološki fakultet, 2019) -
Occurrence of hyperalkaline spring water in the Brezanska river, central Serbia
(International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference, 2019) -
The impact of plant cover and dendrological structure of roadside green spaces on microclimate in the urban environment
(Parlar Scientific Publications, 2019)