Radovi istraživača / Researchers’ publications: Recent submissions
Приказ резултата 121-140 од 1475
Environmental sensitivity assessment and land degradation in southeastern Serbia: application of modified MEDALUS model
(Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2023) -
Genetic Diversity and Genetic Structure of Three Sympatric Oak Species in Serbian Landscape of Outstanding Features "Kosmaj" Assessed by Nuclear Microsatellites
(SEEFOR-South-East European Forestry, 2023) -
Management of roe deer population (Capreolus capreolus L.) in Serbia
(Arquivo Brasileiro De Medicina Veterinaria E Zootecnia, 2023) -
Natural Regeneration on Deadwood in the Primeval Forest Janj
(Lesnoy Zhurnal-Forestry Journal, 2023) -
The reconstruction of the great 2020 torrential flood in Western Serbia
(Natural Hazards, 2023) -
Timber Strength Grading as Necessary Basis for Structural Design in Ex-YU Region: Part
(Drvna industrija, 2023) -
Influence of crown exposure on the morphological needle traits of nine conifers
(Šumarski list, 2023) -
Taxonomic and ecological characteristics of rosemary-leaved willow (salix rosmarinifolia l.) In Vojvodina region in Serbia
(Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2023) -
The European market of wooden toys
(WoodEMA, i.a., 2023) -
In the Suburbs of History: Modernist Visions of the Urban Periphery
(Slavic Review, 2023) -
Monitoring and control of forest seedling quality in Europe
(Forest Ecology and Management, 2023) -
Floristički sastav bukovih staništa pet godina nakon čiste seče i sindinamika biljnih zajednica na sečinama u Timočkom šumskom području / Floristic composition of beech sites five years after clear-cutting and syndynamics of plant communities in the clear-cut area in the Timok forest region
(Univerzitet u Novom Sadu - Institut za nizijsko šumarstvo i životnu sredinu, Novi Sad, 2023) -
The effect of urban-rural gradient on black poplar endophagous herbivorous insects
(Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 2023) -
Sustainable Land Use and Climate Change in Belgrade - The Role of Urban Gardens
(European Journal of Sustainable Development, 2023) -
Improving the method of lens mass preparation for age assessment in the European brown hare (lepus europaeus)
(Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 2023) -
Global regularity of Weyl pseudo-differential operators with radial symbols in each phase-space variable
(Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications, 2023)