Radovi istraživača / Researchers’ publications: Recent submissions
Now showing items 321-340 of 1475
Podzol properties at a new site in Serbia
(Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2021) -
Saradnja i poslovno povezivanje malih i srednjih preduzeća u šumarstvu i drvnoj industriji na Južnokučajskom šumskom području / Cooperation and business networking of small and medium enterprises in forestry and wood industry in Južnokučajsko forest region
(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 2021) -
Mere i aktivnosti za upravljanje zaštićenim područjima u uslovima klimatskih promena - analiza regulatornih okvira u odabranim državama centralne i jugoistočne Evrope / Measures and activities for managing protected areas under climate changes: The analysis of regulatory frameworks in selected countries of central and Southeast Europe
(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 2021) -
Druga nacionalna inventura šuma Republike Srbije / The second national forest inventory of the Republic of Serbia
(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 2021) -
Savremeni koncept upravljanja predelima - participacija kao upravljačka paradigma / Contemporary concept of landscape management: Participation as a management paradigm
(Zavod za zaštitu prirode, Beograd, 2021) -
Prilog poznavanju odumiranja vrhova smrče ("top dying") u šumama Srbije i Crne Gore / Contribution to the knowledge of top dying of Norway spruce in the forests of Serbia and Montenegro
(Udruženje šumarskih inženjera i tehničara Srbije, Beograd i Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 2021) -
MOR and MOE of Serbian Spruce ( Picea omorika Pancic/Purkyne) Wood from Natural Stands
(Drvna industrija, 2021) -
Sadržaj Cd i pb u nerazvijenim zemljištima na serpentinitu i biljnom materijalu na području Nnacionali park Tara / The content of Cd and Pb in undeveloped and shallow soils and plant material in the area of national park Tara
(Unija bioloških naučnih društava Jugoslavije, Beograd, 2021) -
Modelling Cutting Forces using the Moduli of Elasticity in Oak Peripheral Milling
(BioResources, 2021) -
Factors Influencing the Oak Lace Bug (Hemiptera: Tingidae) Behavior on Oaks: Feeding Preference Does not Mean Better Performance?
(Journal of Economic Entomology, 2021) -
The Destructive Tree Pathogen Phytophthora ramorum Originates from the Laurosilva Forests of East Asia
(Journal of Fungi, 2021) -
Ocena efikasnosti poslovanja odabranog preduzeća šumarstva sa područja Južnobačkog okruga / Evaluation of business efficiency of a selected forestry company from the South Bačka district area
(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 2021) -
The roadside green spaces and their possibilities to modify microclimate conditions in the urban environment
(Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2021) -
The effect of low-intensive coherent seed irradiation on germinant growth of Scots pine and sugar beet
(Journal of Forest Science, 2021) -
Micropolar fluid between two coaxial cylinders (numerical approach)
(Srpsko društvo za mehaniku, Beograd, 2021) -
Climate and species stress resistance modulate the higher survival of large seedlings in forest restorations worldwide
(Ecological Applications, 2021)