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Ecology and distribution of an invasive species Aster­lanceolatus willd. on wet habitats in Belgrade

dc.creatorObratov-Petković, Dragica
dc.creatorBjedov, Ivana
dc.creatorRadulović, Stojanka
dc.creatorSkočajić, Dragana
dc.creatorĐunisijević-Bojović, Danijela
dc.creatorĐukić, Matilda
dc.description.abstractVrsta Aster lanceolatus zauzima značajno mesto na svetskim i evropskim listama invazivnih vrsta. Potencijal njenog širenja označen je kao ugrožavajući faktor za biodiverzitet mnogih zemalja. O širim razmerama zastupljenosti ove vrste na području Beograda, nema relevantnih podataka. Staništa Aster lanceolatus su jednogodišnje ili pionirske zajednice oko vodotoka, napuštene i zaparložene površine, ivice šuma, vlažne livade. Za istraživanja su odabrani lokaliteti koji se nalaze u blizini većih i manjih vodotoka u Beogradu, sa ciljem da se utvrdi ekologija i zastupljenost vrste, sinekološki odnosi cenobionata zajednica u kojima se nalazi, kao i da se izvrši kartiranje staništa ove vrste. Za istraživanja zastupljenosti vrste korišćen je dopunjen i delimično izmenjen obrazac 'CPS SKEW', koji se koristi u zapadnoevropskim zemljama, po principu kvadrata. Određivanje vrsta izvršeno je standardnom florističkom metodom, a lokacija vrsta GPS aparatom. Zaključeno je da je vrsta Aster lanceolatus dominatna i podivljala na svim istraživanim lokalitetima. Jedinke i populacije su naročito brojne na Adi Ciganliji, Velikom ratnom ostrvu, Kumodršakom potoku i levoj stani Dunava, gde broj jedinki po kvadratima iznosi preko 1.300, a pokrovnost 100%. Potencijal njenog širenja uslovljen je biologijom vrste, a ekspanzivnost klimatskim promenama, antropogenim uticajima i kompetitivnim
dc.description.abstractThe species Aster lanceolatus occupies a significant position in the world and European lists of invasive species. Its spreading potential is a hazardous factor to the biodiversity in many countries. There are no relevant data on the wider proportion of this species in the area of Belgrade. The sites of Aster lanceolatus are annual or pioneer communities along the water courses, abandoned and neglected areas, forest margins, moist meadows. The study areas are located near a choice of water courses in Belgrade. The aim of the study was to assess the species ecology and population density, synecological interrelationships among the coenobionts of the communities in which it occurs, and also to map its the habitats. The study of population density was performed on the supplemented and partially modified 'CPS SKEW' form, applied in West European countries, by the principle of squares. The species was determined by standard floristic method, and the species location by GPS system. It was concluded that Aster lanceolatus was dominant and wild at all study sites. The individuals and populations are especially numerous on the river islands Ada Ciganlija and Veliko Ratno Ostrvo, along the stream Kumodršaki Potok and the Danube left bank, where the number of individuals per squares is above 1300 and the degree of coverage is 100%. Its spreading potential is conditioned by the species biology, and the expansiveness by climate changes, anthropogenic impacts and the competitive interrelationships.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
dc.sourceGlasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
dc.subjectinvazivne vrstesr
dc.subjectAster lanceolatus
dc.subjectinvasive plantsen
dc.subjectAster lanceolatus Willd.en
dc.titleEkologija i rasprostranjenje invazivne vrste Aster­lanceolatus willd. na vlažnim staništima Beogradasr
dc.titleEcology and distribution of an invasive species Aster­lanceolatus willd. on wet habitats in Belgradeen
dc.citation.other(100): 159-178



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