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Genesis and characteristics of the soil in A-R stage in forest ecosystems of NP 'Tara'

dc.creatorKnežević, Milan
dc.creatorKošanin, Olivera
dc.description.abstractU radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja različitih tipova zemljišta A-R stadije obrazovanih na krečnjaku i serpentinitu u šumskim ekosistemima na području NP 'Tara'. Zbog specifičnog uticaja krečnjaka na genezu i evoluciju zemljišta, izdvajaju se dva tipa karbonatne krečnjačke podloge: jedri krečnjaci i meki, laporoviti krečnjaci. Na jedrim krečnjacima proučena su tri podtipa crnica: organogena, organomineralna i posmeđena. Na mekim, laporovitim krečnjacima proučen je jedan tip zemljišta - rendzina, varijetet izlužena. Na serpentinitima, u okviru A-R stadije, proučen je jedan tip zemljišta i to: humusno-silikatno zemljište (ranker), podtip eutrični. U radu je data i ocena ekološko proizvodnih osobina proučenih zemljišta. Ako se posmatra samo zemljište, bez obzira na vrstu ili vrste drveća koje na njima rastu, zemljišta A-R stadije na području NP 'Tara' ne mogu se proceniti kao visoko produktivna. Međutim, kod svih zajednicama na zemljištima A-R stadije na krečnjaku, utvrđene su visoke vrednosti prosečne zapremine, tekućeg zapreminskog prirasta, kao i temeljnice. Nepovoljne fizičke osobine zemljišta na području NP 'Tara' kompenzuju se uticajem vlažne humidne klime. Na proučenom eutričnom humusno silikatnom zemljištu na području NP 'Tara', u prirodnim i veštački zasnovanim sastojinama belog i crnog bora, ekološko proizvodna vrednost uslovljena je većim brojem faktora i uglavnom je organičena nepovoljnim fizičkim osobinama. I pored nepovoljnih ekološko proizvodnih osobina zemljišta, prirodne i veštački zasnovane sastojine belog i crnog bora se nalaze u cenoekološkom optimumu.sr
dc.description.abstractDifferent types of soil in A-R stage formed on limestone and serpentinite in forest ecosystems in NP 'Tara' were researched. Based on the specific effect of limestone on the soil genesis and evolution, two types of calcareous limestone bedrocks were distinguished: dense limestones, and soft, marly limestones. Three subtypes of black earth were studied on dense limestones. They are: organogenic, organo-mineral and brownised soils. One soil type was researched on soft, marly limestones: rendzina, the leached variety. One soil type was researched on serpentinites, within the A-R stage: humus-siliceous soil (ranker), subtype eutric ranker. This paper also presents the evaluation of ecological and productive characteristics of the study soils. If the soil is observed separately, regardless of the tree species growing on it, the soils in A-R stage in NP 'Tara' cannot be evaluated as highly productive. However, in all plant communities on the soils in A-R stage on limestone, the values of average volume, current volume increment, and basal area were high. The unfavourable physical characteristics of the soil in the area of NP 'Tara' are compensated by the effect of humid climate. On the study eutric humus siliceous soils in the area of NP 'Tara', in the natural and artificially established stands of Scots pine and Austrian pine, the ecological and productive value is conditioned by numerous factors and it is mainly limited by unfavourable physical characteristics. Regardless of the unfavourable ecological and productive characteristics of the soil, the natural and artificially established stands of Scots pine and Austrian pine are in the coeno-ecological optimum.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
dc.sourceGlasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
dc.subjecteutrični rankersr
dc.subjecteutric rankeren
dc.titleGeneza i osobine zemljišta A-R stadije u šumskim ekosistemima NP 'Tara'sr
dc.titleGenesis and characteristics of the soil in A-R stage in forest ecosystems of NP 'Tara'en
dc.citation.other(99): 75-89



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