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Elaeagnus umbellata thunb. as the potential invasive species in Belgrade region

dc.creatorSkočajić, Dragana
dc.creatorGrbić, Mihailo
dc.creatorTomićević, Jelena
dc.creatorĐunisijević-Bojović, Danijela
dc.creatorĐukić, Matilda
dc.description.abstractPoznato je da invazivne vrste biljaka, kao vrste koje se najčešće šire i potiskuju nativne vrste, formiraju stabilne populacije i postaju dominantne najpre zauzimajući staništa urbanih predela, a kasnije nastavljaju dalje širenje na susedne suburbane i ruralne predele. U radu su prikazana istraživanja bioloških i ekoloških karakteristika Elaeagnus umbellata Thunb., kao jedne od potencijalno invazivnih vrsta. Obavljena fenološka osmatranja u vezi sa obilnošću i periodicitetima uroda ove vrste i biometrijska analiza ploda i semena ukazali su na visok kvalitet generativnog reproduktivnog materijala. Ispitivanjem dormantnosti ove vrste u našim uslovima, kao značajnog faktora kontrole potencijalne invazivnosti, konstatovana je dvostruka dormantnost semena za čije otklanjanje su potrebni kombinovani hemijski tretman i višemesečna stratifikacija. Poznavanje mehanizama prekidanja dormantnosti (prevazilaženje reproduktivne barijere) i disperzije semena štitaste dafine (prevazilaženje disperzione barijere) je od velikog značaja za predviđanje daljeg toka širenja ove
dc.description.abstractIt is known that invasive plant species, as the species which most often spread and suppress the native species, form stable populations and become dominant firstly by occupying the sites of urban areas, and later on by continuing their invasion to the neighbouring suburban and rural areas. This paper presents the research of biological and ecological characters of Elaeagnus umbellata Thunb., one of the potential invasive species. The phenological observation of this species yield abundance and periodicity and the biometric analysis of fruits and seeds point to a high quality of its generative reproductive material. The analysis of seed dormancy of this species in our conditions, as the significant factor of the control of potential invasiveness, shows its double dormancy and its elimination requires combined chemical treatments and several months of stratification. The study of mechanisms of autumn olive dormancy breaking (overcoming the reproductive barrier) and seed dispersion (overcoming the dispersion barrier) is very significant for the forecast of further dispersion of this species.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
dc.sourceGlasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
dc.subjectreproduktivna barijerasr
dc.subjectinvazivna vrstasr
dc.subjectdisperzija semenasr
dc.subjectseeds dispersionen
dc.subjectreproductive barrieren
dc.subjectinvasive speciesen
dc.titleElaeagnus umbellata thunb. kao potencijalno invazivna vrsta na području Beogradasr
dc.titleElaeagnus umbellata thunb. as the potential invasive species in Belgrade regionen
dc.citation.other(98): 177-188

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