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Assessment of the effect of quality factors on the assortment structure in poplar plantations

dc.creatorDanilović, Milorad
dc.description.abstractU radu su predstavljena istraživanja faktora kvaliteta koji utiču na kvalitativnu strukturu sortimenata u zasadima topola, sa aspekta primene standarda za oblo drvo. Istraživanja su realizovana u periodu 1997-2004. godine na devet privremenih oglednih površina. Izbor oglednih površina je izvršen u zavisnosti od faktora čiji je uticaj ispitivan. Predmet istraživanja bili su sledeći faktori: vrsta klona, raspored sadnje, izloženost zasada poplavama, orezivanje grana, položaj i starost zasada. U istraživanjima je primenjena originalna metodologija rada. Na bazi rezultata ovih istraživanja proizilazi da kvrge imaju najveći uticaj na kvalitativnu strukturu sortimenata u zasadima topola bez obzira na stanišne i sastojinske uslove. Njihov uticaj značajno raste sa povećanjem prečnika stabla. Pored toga, izvršene analize pokazuju da sa povećanjem starosti broj velikih i trulih kvrga na vretenu stabla je znatno veći. U plavnom području donji deo stabla je više zakrivljen i učestala je pojava višestruke zakrivljenosti na stablima koja se nalaze neposredno uz reku, dok sa udaljenosti od obale zakrivljenost je manja. Na osnovu rezultata izvršenih istraživanja proizlazi da ove greške drveta znatno smanjuju učešće najkvalitetnijih sortimenata.sr
dc.description.abstractQuality factors affecting the assortment quality structure in poplar plantations were researched on nine temporary sample plots in the period 1997-2004, from the aspect of the implementation of roundwood standards. Sample plots were selected depending on the factors, the effect of which was studied. The following factors were researched: clonal species, planting pattern, flood risk, pruning of branches, plantation position and age. The study was performed by the original methodology. Based on the study results, it is concluded that knots have the highest effect on the assortment quality structure in poplar plantations, regardless of the site and stand conditions. Their effect rises significantly with the increase of tree diameter. Also, the analyses show that the number of large and rotten knots on the tree trunk increases considerably with the older age. In the flooded area, the sweep of the lower part of the stem is more intensive and multiple curvatures are frequent on the trees growing immediately along the river, whereas curvature decreases with the distance from the river bank. Based on the study results, it is concluded that the percentage of best quality assortments is considerably reduced by the above wood defects.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
dc.sourceGlasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
dc.subjectzasadi topolesr
dc.subjectzakrivljenost deblasr
dc.subjectstarost zasadasr
dc.subjectstandardi za oblo drvosr
dc.subjectkvalitativna struktura sortimenatasr
dc.subjectfaktori kvalitetasr
dc.subjectstem curvatureen
dc.subjectroundwood standardsen
dc.subjectquality factorsen
dc.subjectpoplar plantationsen
dc.subjectplantation ageen
dc.subjectassortment quality structureen
dc.titleOcena značaja faktora kvaliteta na sortimentnu strukturu u zasadima topolasr
dc.titleAssessment of the effect of quality factors on the assortment structure in poplar plantationsen
dc.citation.other(97): 127-145



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