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Comparative analyses of water soaking and thickness swelling of particleboard versus different test methods

dc.creatorĐiporović-Momčilović, Milanka
dc.creatorPopović, Mlađan
dc.creatorGavrilović-Grmuša, Ivana
dc.creatorMiljković, Jovan
dc.description.abstractPloča iverica ima izražena higroskopna svojstva, što je čini dimenzionalno nestabilnim materijalom u slučajevima kada je izložena vodi ili u atmosferi sa povećanim sadržajem vlage. Postoji više standardnih metoda ispitivanja debljinskog bubrenja. Cilj ovog rada je usmeren na njihovo upoređenje. U tu svrhu upoređene su tri različite metode za ispitivanje upijanja vode i debljiskog bubrenja: dve koje propisuje nacionalni standard SRPS D.C8.104 i metoda prema evropskom standardu EN 317. Rezultati ispitivanja za oba pomenuta svojstva ukazali su da ne postoje značajne razlike između EN metode zasnovane na epruvetama formata 50×50 mm i SRPS metode zasnovane na upotrebi epruveta 100×100 mm, sugerišući da se obe ove metode mogu alternativno koristiti. Sa druge strane, rezultati dobijeni SRPS metodom uz upotrebu epruveta dimenzija 25×25 mm, znatno su se razlikovali od predhodnih, odnosno ispitivanja po ovoj metodi zabeležila su znatno niže vrednosti debljinskog bubrenja, bez obzira na debljinu ispitivane ploče.sr
dc.description.abstractIn regard to its hygroscopic properties, particleboard is dimensionally unstable material when exposed to water or in the atmosphere of high level of humidity. Since today several different standardized methods for determination of thickness swelling exist, the aim of this study was focused on comparison of different testing methods. In this aim, three different methods for determination of water soaking and thickness swelling were compared, two of which were defined by national standard SRPS D.C8.104 and one was defined by European standard EN 317. The results of testing of both properties have shown no significant difference between the EN method based on 50×50 mm test pieces and the SRPS method based on test pieces of 100×100 mm format, suggesting that these two methods can be used alternatively. On the other hand, the results obtained by the SRPS method utilizing the 25×25 mm test pieces, differed significantly from both previous methods. The results were lower for both water soaking and thickness swelling regardless of panel thickness.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
dc.sourceGlasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
dc.subjectupijanje vodesr
dc.subjectmetode ispitivanjasr
dc.subjectdebljinsko bubrenjesr
dc.subjectwater soakingen
dc.subjectthickness swellingen
dc.subjecttest methodsen
dc.titleUporedna analiza upijanja i debljinskog bubrenja iverice u zavisnosti od metoda ispitivanjasr
dc.titleComparative analyses of water soaking and thickness swelling of particleboard versus different test methodsen
dc.citation.other(98): 65-74



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