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Planetree miner: Phyllonorycter platani (Staudinger, 1870) (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae)

dc.creatorMarković, Čedomir
dc.creatorStojanović, Aleksandar
dc.creatorMarković, Marija
dc.description.abstractPlatan je u Srbiji česta vrsta u parkovima i drvoredima. Nažalost, njegova stabla jako su napadnuta lisnim minerom Phyllonorycter platani. Zbog toga je njihova dekorativnost znatno umanjena, a i prevremene defolijacije su česte. Tokom godine Ph. platani razvija četiri do pet međusobno preklapajućih generacija. Zato su njegova imaga u prirodi prisutna od kraja marta, početka aprila do oktobra. Ženka polaže jaja obično na naličje lista. Ispilele gusenice ubušuju se u njega i stvaraju minu na naličju lista. Prezimljava u stadijumu lutke, u minama na opalom lišću. Ph. platani treba suzbijati u jesen, sakupljanjem i spaljivanjem opalog lišća. Ako se to ne uradi, moguće ga je suzbijati i primenom
dc.description.abstractIn Serbia, plane tree is a frequent species in parks and tree rows. Unfortunately, its trees are intensively infested by the leaf miner Ph. platani. For this reason, its ornamental value is considerably lowered, and early defoliations are also frequent. During the year Ph. platani develops four to five over lapping generations. Consequently, its adults are present in the field from the end of March - beginning of April, to the end of October. The female lays eggs usually on the leaf abaxial. The hatched cater pillars tunnel in the leaf and create the mines on the leaf abaxial. It hibernates in the pupal stage in the mines in the fallen leaves. Ph. platani should be suppressed in autumn by collecting and burning the fallen leaves. If this is not done, it can be suppressed by the application of insecticides during the swarming period.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu - Poljoprivredni fakultet - Departman za zaštitu bilja i životne sredine "dr Pavla Vukasovića", Novi Sad
dc.sourceBiljni lekar
dc.subjectPlatanus acerifoliasr
dc.subjectPhyllonorycter platanisr
dc.subjectPlatanus acerifoliaen
dc.subjectPhyllonorycter platanien
dc.titlePlatanov miner - Phyllonorycter platani (Staudinger, 1870) (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae)sr
dc.titlePlanetree miner: Phyllonorycter platani (Staudinger, 1870) (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae)en
dc.citation.other34(1): 36-39

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