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Assortment structure in poplar plantation Populus x euramerjcana I-214 based on European standard

dc.creatorDanilović, Milorad
dc.creatorJanjatović, Gojko
dc.description.abstractU radu je prikazana sortimentna struktura u zasadu topole Rorilus x euramericana I-214 dobijena primenom evropskih standarda kvaliteta za oblo drvo. Na bazi podataka teorijskog krojenja ustanovljena je veza između ukupne zapremine izrađenih sortimenata i prečnika stabla na prsnoj visini. Model funkcije koja predstavlja vezu ukupno izrađene zapremine sortimenata superiornig kvaliteta i prečnika stabla je recipročni. Veza između ukupne zapremine sortimenata normalnog kvaliteta može se predstaviti logaritamskim modelom funkcije, a stepeni model najbolje predstavlja vezu ukupne zapremine izrađenih sortimenata koji se ne mogu razvrstati ni u jednu klasu kvaliteta i prečnika stabla. Kvrge do 6 t visine, značajno su uticale na učešća klasa superiornog kvaliteta. Da su donje grane sa dubećeg stabla bile orezane do 6 t visine, učešće ove klase bi se povećalo u proseku za 22,07%. Ovo pokazuje da je orezivanje donjih grana sa dubećeg stabla veoma značajna mera nege zasada i da je treba izvršiti na vreme. Zakrivljenost je takođe, utucala na smanjenje učešća najvrednijih sortimenata, ali ne u meri u kojoj se očekivalo, jer se zasad nalazi uz tok reke Save.sr
dc.description.abstractAssortment structure in poplar plantation Populus x euramericana I-214 was obtained by European standard for round wood. Based on the data of theoretical cutting, the correlation between total volume of assortments and tree diameter at breast height was established. Model of the function representing the relation between total volume of assortments of superior quality and tree diameter is reciprocal. The relation between total volumes of normal-quality assortments can be represented by a logarithm model of the function, and the relation between total volume of assortments which cannot be classified into any quality class and tree diameter is best represented by a degree model. Knots up to the height of 6 m had a significant effect on the percentage of classes of superior quality. If the lower branches were pruned from standing trees up to the height of 6 m, the percentage of this class would increase averagely by 22.07%. This shows that pruning of lower branches is a very significant plantation tending measure and that it should be performed in time. Sweep also caused the decrease of percentage of superior assortments, but not to the expected degree, because the plantation is situated along the river Sava.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
dc.sourceGlasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
dc.subjectzapreminsko učešćesr
dc.subjectsortimentna strukturasr
dc.subjectoblo drvosr
dc.subjectklase kvalitetasr
dc.subjectevropski standardisr
dc.subjectvolume percentageen
dc.subjectround wooden
dc.subjectEuropean standardsen
dc.subjectclass qualityen
dc.subjectassortment structureen
dc.titleSortimentna struktura u zasadu topole Populus x euramerjcana 1-214 uz primenu evropskih standarda kvalitetasr
dc.titleAssortment structure in poplar plantation Populus x euramerjcana I-214 based on European standarden
dc.citation.other(91): 97-108



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