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Cameraria ohridella Deschke & Dimić (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae), agent of mines on horse chestnut leaves

dc.creatorMarković, Čedomir
dc.creatorStojanović, Aleksandar
dc.description.abstractGajenje divljeg kestena u Evropi značajno je otežano pojavom lisnog minera C. ohridella. Prvi put je konstatovan u Makedoniji 1985. godine. Od tada se areal ovog insekta brzo širio, tako da je danas rasprostranjen na području cele centralne i većeg dela južne i istočne Evrope. C. ohridella obično razvija tri međusobno preklapajuće generacije. Zbog toga su imaga u prirodi prisutna od sredine aprila do kraja oktobra. Ženka polaže jaja na lice lista, u koji se ispilele gusenice ubušuju, izgrizajući prozirne mine nepravilnog oblika. Prezimljava u stadijumu lutke u minama na opalom lišću. U cilju Suzbijanja C. ohridella najbolje je opalo lišće tokom jeseni pokupiti i spaliti. Međutim, ukoliko se prikupljanje lišća ne obavi, suzbijanje je moguće izvesti i primenom insekticida u vreme rojenja leptira ove
dc.description.abstractThe cultivation of horse chestnut in Europe has been made significantly more difficult by the occurrence of leaf miner C. ohridella. It was identified for the first time in Macedonia in 1985. Since then, its range has widened rapidly so that today it is distributed throughout the Central and a greater part of the South and East Europe. usually develops three overlapping generations. For this reason, its adults appear from mid April to the end of October. The females deposit eggs on adaxial leaf, the hatched caterpillars bore in the leaf and chew transparent mines of irregular form. It hibernates in the pupal stage in the mines of the fallen leaves. The suppression of C. ohridella is best if the fallen leaves are collected in the autumn and burned. However, if the leaves are not collected, the control can also be performed by the application of insecticides during the period of its swarming.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu - Poljoprivredni fakultet - Departman za zaštitu bilja i životne sredine "dr Pavla Vukasovića", Novi Sad
dc.sourceBiljni lekar
dc.subjectdivlji kestensr
dc.subjectCameraria ohridellasr
dc.subjectAesculus hippocastanumsr
dc.subjecthorse chestnuten
dc.subjectCameraria ohridellaen
dc.subjectAesculus hippocastanumen
dc.titleCameraria ohridella Deschke & Dimić (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae), prouzrokovač mina na listu divljeg kestenasr
dc.titleCameraria ohridella Deschke & Dimić (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae), agent of mines on horse chestnut leavesen
dc.citation.other33(4): 408-411

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