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Changes of hardness of sessile oak wood: Quercus petreae agg. under the impact of fungus Conidiophora puteana (Shum. ex FR) Karst., the causer of Brown rot

dc.creatorMarković, Miroslava
dc.creatorMirić, Milenko
dc.creatorPopović, Zdravko
dc.creatorMarković, Miroslav
dc.description.abstractIspitan je uticaj prouzrokovača mrke prizmatične truleži Coniophora puteana (Schumm. ex Fr) Karst., na smanjenje tvrdoće drveta kitnjaka (Quercus petraea agg). Uzorci drveta (2 x 2 x 4 cm) su izlagani dejstvu dikarione micelije u plastičnim kontejnerima. Utvrđeno je da se tvrdoća drveta Q. petraea agg. posle 2, 4 i 6 meseci smanjila u odnosu na početnu (100%) i iznosila 92,28%, 84,33% i 34,13%. Korelacionom analizom smanjenja tvrdoće drveta kitnjaka (σs – zavisno promenljiva) u odnosu na vreme dejstva gljive C. puteana (T – nezavisno promenljiva), konstatovana je jaka veza između promenljivih i dobijena je regresiona jednačina: Hb = 86,925 – 8,2325 x T.sr
dc.description.abstractIt have been investigated the impact of the brown rott fungi Coniophora puteana (Schumm. ex Fr) Karst., in decrease of hardness of Q. petraea agg. The wood samples for the research (2 x 2 x 4 cm) have been exposed to the impact of the mycelia in plastic boxes. The hardness after 2, 4 and 6 months decreased in comparison with initial ones (100%) and reached 92,28%, 84,33% and 34,13%. By using correlation analyses of Q. petraea agg. of hardness decrease (σs – dependent variable) in relation to the incubation period of time (T – independent variable) strong correlation between variables was established, and regression equation was: Hb = 86,925 – 8,2325 x T.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu - Institut za nizijsko šumarstvo i životnu sredinu, Novi Sad
dc.subjecttvrdoća drvetasr
dc.subjectsvojstva drvetasr
dc.subjectQuercus petraea agg.sr
dc.subjectConiophora puteanasr
dc.subjectwood propertiesen
dc.subjectQuercus petraea aggen
dc.subjecthardness of the wooden
dc.subjectConiophora puteanaen
dc.titlePromena tvrdoće drveta kitnjaka - Quercus petraea agg. pod uticajem gljive Coniophora puteana (Schumm. ex Fr) Karst., izazivača mrke prizmatične truležisr
dc.titleChanges of hardness of sessile oak wood: Quercus petreae agg. under the impact of fungus Conidiophora puteana (Shum. ex FR) Karst., the causer of Brown roten
dc.citation.other(175-176): 21-29



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