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Genofond drvenastih vrsta na području strogog rezervata prirode „Felješana“

dc.creatorKerkez Janković, Ivona
dc.creatorVilotić, Dragica
dc.creatorNonić, Marina
dc.creatorMaksimović, Filip
dc.creatorŠijačić-Nikolić, Mirjana
dc.description.abstractForests of primeval character in Europe usually receive the highest protection status. The importance of these ecosystems is highlighted in the BIO2023 Strategy, which outlines specific guidelines for the identification and protection of primeval forests within the European Union. Endemic ecosystems characteristic of Europe, such as pure beech forests, are facing numerous threatening factors in the context of climate change and are considered one of the most endangered habitats. Efforts to preserve and enhance forest ecosystems, as an initial step, involve conservation and long-term monitoring to gain insight into the adaptation and evolutionary strategies of the present species and ecosystems as a whole. The extremely strict protection conditions prescribed in strict reserves impose very limited human intervention, while non-invasive scientific research is considered a desirable activity. One of the first protected pure beech forests in Serbia is the Strict Nature Reserve "Felješana" which, despite being protected since 1950, has not been thoroughly and systematically studied from the aspect of woody species diversity. The aim of this paper is to provide, for the first time,data on the available gene pool of woody species in the primeval beech forest "Felješana". The field research methodology included recording woody species in the tree, shrub, and ground layers at pre-determined monitoring points and identifying and georeferencing target species. For the georeferenced individuals of the target species, height, diameter at breast height, breast circumference, and horizontal crown projection were determined. A total of 27 native woody species were recorded, with 14 species in the tree layer, 25 in the shrub layer, and 19 in the ground layer. Although beech is the dominant species across all three vegetation layers throughout the area, the recorded number of species in the shrub and ground layers indicates the potential for changes in species distribution and composition in this reserve in the future. All recorded species are of native origin, among which six species belong to one of the categories of rare, endangered, and vulnerable species in the forest fund of Serbia. Georeferencing and determining the basic characteristics of the target species individuals have provided a solid foundation for longterm monitoring of the gene pool and the conservation of woody species in SNR "Felješana".sr
dc.publisherBeograd :Institut za šumarstvo Beogradsr
dc.relation„Monitoring and Conservation of the Gene Pool of Woody Species in the Area of the Strict Nature Reserve 'Felješana'“(Founded by Ministry of Environmental Protection, Republic of Serbia, co-founded by Faculty of Forestry, University of Belgrade, Agreement No. 000906591, March 22, 2024)sr
dc.sourceZbornik radova : Odživo šumarstvosr
dc.subjectold-growth forestsr
dc.subjectEuropean beechsr
dc.subjectspecies diversitysr
dc.titleGenepool of woody species in the strict nature reserve "Felješana"sr
dc.titleGenofond drvenastih vrsta na području strogog rezervata prirode „Felješana“sr



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