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dc.creatorBosela, Michal
dc.creatorRubio-Cuadrado, Alvaro
dc.creatorMarcis, Peter
dc.creatorMerganicova, Katarina
dc.creatorFleischer, Peter, Jr.
dc.creatorForrester, David I.
dc.creatorUhl, Enno
dc.creatorAvdagić, Admir
dc.creatorBellan, Michal
dc.creatorBielak, Kamil
dc.creatorBravo, Felipe
dc.creatorColl, Lluis
dc.creatorCseke, Klara
dc.creatordel Rio, Miren
dc.creatorDinca, Lucian
dc.creatorDobor, Laura
dc.creatorDrozdowski, Stanislaw
dc.creatorGiammarchi, Francesco
dc.creatorGomoryova, Erika
dc.creatorIbrahimspahić, Aida
dc.creatorKasanin-Grubin, Milica
dc.creatorKlopcić, Matija
dc.creatorKurylyak, Viktor
dc.creatorMontes, Fernando
dc.creatorPach, Maciej
dc.creatorRuiz-Peinado, Ricardo
dc.creatorSkrzyszewski, Jerzy
dc.creatorStajić, Branko
dc.creatorStojanović, Dejan
dc.creatorSvoboda, Miroslav
dc.creatorTonon, Giustino
dc.creatorVersace, Soraya
dc.creatorMitrović, Suzana
dc.creatorZlatanov, Tzvetan
dc.creatorPretzsch, Hans
dc.creatorTognetti, Roberto
dc.description.abstractProcess-based models and empirical modelling techniques are frequently used to (i) explore the sensitivity of tree growth to environmental variables, and (ii) predict the future growth of trees and forest stands under climate change scenarios. However, modelling approaches substantially influence predictions of the sensitivity of trees to environmen-tal factors. Here, we used tree-ring width (TRW) data from 1630 beech trees from a network of 70 plots established across European mountains to build empirical predictive growth models using various modelling approaches. In addi-tion, we used 3-PG and Biome-BGCMuSo process-based models to compare growth predictions with derived empirical models. Results revealed similar prediction errors (RMSE) across models ranging between 3.71 and 7.54 cm2 of basal area increment (BAI). The models explained most of the variability in BAI ranging from 54 % to 87 %. Selected explan-atory variables (despite being statistically highly significant) and the pattern of the growth sensitivity differed between models substantially. We identified only five factors with the same effect and the same sensitivity pattern in all empir-ical models: tree DBH, competition index, elevation, Gini index of DBH, and soil silt content. However, the sensitivity to most of the climate variables was low and inconsistent among the empirical models. Both empirical and process -based models suggest that beech in European mountains will, on average, likely experience better growth conditions under both 4.5 and 8.5 RCP scenarios. The process-based models indicated that beech may grow better across European mountains by 1.05 to 1.4 times in warmer conditions. The empirical models identified several drivers of tree growth that are not included in the current process-based models (e.g., different nutrients) but may have a sub-stantial effect on final results, particularly if they are limiting factors. Hence, future development of process-based models may build upon our findings to increase their ability to correctly capture ecosystem dynamics.en
dc.relationCastilla and Leon regional govern-ment (Spain) excellence projects [CLU-2019-01, CL-EI-2021-05, VA183P20]
dc.relationCOST Action
dc.relationSlovak Research and Development Agency [CA15226]
dc.relationSlovenian Research Agency (ARRS) [APVV-15-0265, APVV-18-0390, APVV-18-0086, APVV-19-0183]
dc.relationMinistry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina [P4-0059]
dc.relationCastilla and Leon regional government (Spain) excellence projects
dc.relationEuropean Regional Development Fund (ERDF) [CLU-2019-01, CL-EI-2021-05]
dc.relationOP RDE [VA183P20]
dc.relationERDF [CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000803]
dc.relationMinistry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia [ITMS2014+ 313011W580]
dc.relationNational Roadmap for Research Infrastructure [451-03-68/2022-14/200026, 451-03-68/2022-14/200197]
dc.relationMinistry of Education and Science of the Republic of Bulgaria
dc.sourceScience of the Total Environment
dc.subjectTree growthen
dc.subjectProcess-based growth modelen
dc.subjectGlobal climate changeen
dc.subjectEuropean beechen
dc.subjectEcosystem dynamicsen
dc.titleEmpirical and process-based models predict enhanced beech growth in European mountains under climate change scenarios: A multimodel approachen
dc.citation.other888: -



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