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Changes in the forest growing stock of the Timok forest area following the ice storm in winter 2014/2015

dc.creatorPavlović, Branka
dc.creatorČokeša, Vlado
dc.creatorRakonjac, Ljubinko
dc.creatorBabić, Violeta
dc.creatorPoduška, Zoran
dc.creatorMartać, Nikola
dc.creatorKanjevac, Branko
dc.description.abstractNa prostoru većeg dela istočne Srbije u zimu 2014/2015. godine, došlo je do prodiranja izuzetno hladnih vazdušnih masa sa istoka i sa Karpata uslovljavajući pojavu velikih naslaga leda na objektima infrastrukture i stablima šumskog drveća. Velike količine leda (i po nekoliko tona po stablu) šumsko drveće nije moglo da izdrži, što je dovelo do ledoloma i ledoizvala na velikim površinama. Štete većih razmera desile su se na prostoru Timočkog, Moravskog, Severnokučajskog, Rasinskog i Južnokučajskog šumskog područja. U pojedinim delovima Timočkog ŠP došlo je do prave katastrofe po šumske ekosisteme te su morale biti izvršene čiste seče na velikim površinama. Predmet ovog istraživanja su obrasle površine Timočkog šumskog područja (prirodne šume i veštački podignute sastojine) u državnom vlasništvu kojima gazduje JP "Srbijašume" Beograd. Vršena je uporedna analiza pojedinih pokazatelja stanja šumskog fonda Timočkog ŠP (stanje šuma po poreklu, očuvanosti, mešovitosti, vrstama drveća, sastojinskoj pripadnosti i cenoekološkoj pripadnosti). Uporedo su analizirani podaci svedeni na dan 31.12.2013. godine i podaci svedeni na dan 31.12.2021. godine. Cilj istraživanja je da se utvrdi da li je došlo do bitnih promena u stanju šumskog fonda na nivou Timočkog šumskog područja.sr
dc.description.abstractIn the winter of 2014/2015, extremely cold air masses penetrated from the east and the Carpathians into a large part of eastern Serbia and formed extensive ice layers on infrastructure facilities and forest trees. Forest trees could not withstand large amounts of ice (up to several tons per tree), resulting in widespread ice breaks and ice throws. Extensive damage occurred in the Timok, Morava, Severni Kučaj, Rasina, and Južni Kučaj Forest Areas. In certain parts of the Timok Forest Area, the damage to forest ecosystems was catastrophic and required clear-cutting of large areas. This research focuses on the state-owned forests of the Timok Forest Area (natural forests and artificially established (stands) managed by "Srbijašume" State Enterprise from Belgrade. A comparative analysis of specific indicators of the current state of the forest growing stock in the Timok Forest Area was conducted (forest state by origin, preservation, mixture, tree species, stand classification, and socioecological categorisation). The analysis compared data collected on 31 December 2013 with data collected on 31 December 2021. The research aimed to determine whether there were significant changes in the state of forest growing stock in the Timok Forest Area in the study period.en
dc.publisherInstitut za šumarstvo, Beograd
dc.sourceSustainable Forestry: Collection
dc.subjectTimočko šumsko područjesr
dc.subjectšumski fondsr
dc.subjectelementarne vremenske nepogodesr
dc.subjectTimok Forest Areaen
dc.subjectnatural disastersen
dc.subjectice breaken
dc.subjectforest growing stocken
dc.titlePromena stanja šumskog fonda u timočkom šumskom području kao posledica ledoloma u zimu 2014/2015. godinesr
dc.titleChanges in the forest growing stock of the Timok forest area following the ice storm in winter 2014/2015en
dc.citation.other(87-88): 137-154



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