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Floristic composition of beech sites five years after clear-cutting and syndynamics of plant communities in the clear-cut area in the Timok forest region

dc.creatorPavlović, Branka
dc.creatorBabić, Violeta
dc.creatorČokeša, Vlado
dc.creatorStajić, Snežana
dc.creatorMartać, Nikola
dc.creatorKanjevac, Branko
dc.creatorPoduška, Zoran
dc.description.abstractPodručje istočne Srbije je u zimu 2014/2015. godine pogodila elementarna vremenska nepogoda koja je pričinila velike štete na šumskom drveću u vidu ledoloma i ledoizvala. Veštački podignute sastojine četinara na bukovom staništu su stradale gotovo u potpunosti, a prirodne sastojine delimično do potpuno. Na površini od oko 2000 ha, bilo je neophodno izvršiti čistu seču usled kojih je došlo do bitnih promena u ekosistemu, koje mogu da utiču na floristički sastav. Vršen je popis biljaka vaskularne flore na sečinama i poređen sa florističkim sastavom u bukovoj prašumi "Vinatovača" koja se nalazi u sličnim stanišnim uslovima. Cilj istraživanja je da se s jedne strane ustanovi stepen degradacije prirodnih staništa bukve, a s druge strane, da se na osnovu prirodnih sukcesija sagledaju mogućnosti i pravci uspostavljanja prirodnih, autohtonih šumskih ekosistema. Bukova staništa su nakon izvršene čiste seče floristički znatno bogatija od prirodnih bukovih šuma prašumskog tipa. U velikoj meri došlo je do spontanog naseljavanja livadskih i korovskih biljaka na bukova staništa. Na sečinama je pronađeno 176 taksona biljaka vaskularne flore (u prašumi 107 taksona). Pored biljaka iz mezofilnih bukovih zajednica prisutne su i biljke iz sveze termofilnih zajednica. Pronađene biljke su svrstane u dva odeljka: Pteridophyta, samo 2 vrste i Spermatophyta, 174 vrste (u prašumi Pteridophyta, 10 vrsta i Spermatophita, 97 vrsta). U okviru Spermatophyta, biljke su razvrstane u dve klase: Dikotile, 149 vrsta i Monokotile, 25 vrsta (u prašumi Dikotile, 76 vrsta i Monokotile, 21 vrsta).sr
dc.description.abstractIn the winter of 2014/2015, an impactful natural disaster hit the eastern region of Serbia, leading to substantial forest tree damage due to ice breaks and falls. This catastrophe resulted in the near-complete destruction of artificial conifer stands established on beech sites, and varying degrees of damage to natural stands. In response, approximately 2000 hectares of land had to be clear-cut, inducing significant ecosystem transformations that may have altered the floristic composition. This study involved the inventarisation of vascular flora within the clear-cut areas, which was then compared to the floristic composition at similar site condition on location "Vinatovača" beech primeval forest. The key objectives of this research were to assess the extent of degradation experienced by natural beech sites and explore the prospects and courses for establishing natural, indigenous forest ecosystems through natural succession. Following clear-cutting, beech sites exhibited notably greater floristic diversity in contrast to the natural beech primeval forests. Considerable area of beech sites turned into meadows or were weed covered. The study identified 176 taxa of vascular flora on the clearcut sites (107 taxa in the premival forest). In addition to plants from mesophilic beech communities, plants from the aliance of thermophilic communities are also present. The identified plants were categorised into two groups: Pteridophyta, with only 2 species, and Spermatophyta, encompassing 174 species (in contrast, the premival forest had 10 species of Pteridophyta and 97 species of Spermatophyta). The Spermatophyta plants were further classified into two classes: Dicotyledons, represented by 149 species, and Monocotyledons, represented by 25 species (in the premival forest, Dicotyledons accounted for 76 species, and Monocotyledons 21 species).en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu - Institut za nizijsko šumarstvo i životnu sredinu, Novi Sad
dc.subjectsukcesije vegetacijesr
dc.subjectfloristički sastavsr
dc.subjectčista sečasr
dc.subjectbukove šumesr
dc.subjectvegetation successionen
dc.subjectfloristic compositionen
dc.subjectbeech forestsen
dc.titleFloristički sastav bukovih staništa pet godina nakon čiste seče i sindinamika biljnih zajednica na sečinama u Timočkom šumskom područjusr
dc.titleFloristic composition of beech sites five years after clear-cutting and syndynamics of plant communities in the clear-cut area in the Timok forest regionen
dc.citation.other(212): 17-31



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