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Assessment of the condition of natural values of the forest management unit "Jasenovo-Božetići" in the area of Southwest Serbia

dc.creatorRačić, Miloš
dc.creatorKanjevac, Branko
dc.creatorMartać, Nikola
dc.creatorMiletić, Dejan
dc.creatorPetrović, Nenad
dc.description.abstractU ovom radu prikazana je ocena stanja prirodnih vrednosti sastojina u odnosu na poreklo, strukturni oblik, mešovitost kao i u odnosu na pripadnost sastojine gazdinskom tipu. Objekat istraživanja je gazdinska jedinica ,,Jasenovo-Božetići" koja pripada Zapadnoj šumskoj oblasti u Srbiji. Ocena stanja je vršena u skladu sa metodom koji je razvijen na projektu pod nazivom Doprinos održivog gazdovanja šumama niskim emisijama i prilagodljivom razvoju (GCP/SRB/002/GEF). Ukupna površina na kojoj je vršena ocena prirodnih vrednosti iznosi 1684,7 ha. Na osnovu konačne ocene biodiverziteta, sastojine niske prirodne vrednosti pokrivaju površinu od 1205,6 ha (71,5%), sastojine srednje niže prirodne vrednosti 300,9 ha (17,9%), sastojine srednje više prirodne vrednosti 178,2 ha (10,9%), dok sastojine visoke prirodne vrednosti nisu registrovane.sr
dc.description.abstractThis paper presents the assessment of the condition of natural values of forest stands in relation to the origin, structural form, mixedness as well as in relation to affiliation of the forest stand to forest management type. The object of the research is the Forest management unit "Jasenovo-Božetići" which belongs to the Western forest region in Serbia. Assessment of the condition has been performed in accordance with the method developed on the project entitled Contribution of Sustainable Forest Management to Low Emission and Resilient Development (GCP/SRB/002/GEF). The total area on which the assessment of natural values was carried out amounts to 1684.7 ha. Based on the final assessment of biodiversity, the stands of low natural value cover the area of 1205.6 ha (71.5%), the stands of lower medium natural value cover 300.9 ha (17.9%), the stands of higher medium natural value 178.2 ha (10.9%), while stands of high natural value are not registered.en
dc.publisherInstitut za šumarstvo, Beograd
dc.relationContribution of Sustainable Forest Management to Low Emission and Resilient Development (GCP/SRB/002/GEF)
dc.sourceSustainable Forestry: Collection
dc.subjectprirodne vrednostisr
dc.subjectjugozapadna Srbijasr
dc.subjectgazdinski tipsr
dc.subjectSouthwest Serbiaen
dc.subjectnatural valuesen
dc.subjectforest standen
dc.subjectforest management typeen
dc.titleOcena stanja prirodnih vrednosti gazdinske jedinice "Jasenovo-Božetići" na području jugozapadne Srbijesr
dc.titleAssessment of the condition of natural values of the forest management unit "Jasenovo-Božetići" in the area of Southwest Serbiaen
dc.citation.other(87-88): 155-164



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