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Stand state, silvicultural demands and measures in beech forests of mixed origin in Boljevac area

dc.creatorKrstić, Milun
dc.creatorPantić, Damjan
dc.creatorMatović, Bratislav
dc.description.abstractU radu je prikazana uporedna analiza sastojinskog stanja, prizvodnosti i uzgojnih potreba u sastojinama bukve mešovitog porekla, sa preovlađujućim učešćem stabala izdanačkog porekla, u različitim stanišnim i sastojinskim uslovima, na području Čestobrodice i Straže. U tri ekološke jedinice analizirani su osnovni taksacioni elementi: broj stabala, temeljnica zapremina, zapreminski prirast, srednji sastojinski prečnici i visine i razvoj pojedninačnih stabala. Razlike istraživanih ekoloških jedinica izražene vrednostima taksacionih elemenata i tokovima razvoja prečnika visine i zapremine pojedinačnih stabala, utvrđene su primenom analize varijanse i LSD testa. Izvršena analiza i konstatovane signifikantne razlike omogućile su realno i sveobuhvatno sagledavanje stanja ovih sastojina. Na osnovu toga definisan je dugoročni gazdinski cilj gazdovanja ovim šumama (konverzija u visoki uzgojni oblik) i aktuelne uzgojne potrebe i mere visoka selektivna
dc.description.abstractThis paper presents the comparative analysis of stand state, productivity and silvicultural demands in beech stands of mixed origin, with a predominating percentage of trees of coppice origin, in different site and stand conditions, in the area of Čestobrodica and Straža. The main cruising elements were analyzed in three ecological units: Number of trees, basal area, volume, volume increment, mean stand diameters and height and the development of individual trees. The differences of the study ecological units, presented through the values of cruising elements and the phases of diameter, height and volume development of individual trees, are computed by the analysis of variance and LSD test. The analysis and the concluded significant differences enabled the real and comprehensive understanding of the state of these stands, based on which the long-term objectives of forest management were decided (conversion into a high silvicultural form) and actual silvicultural demands and measures - high selection thinning.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd
dc.relationProjekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. BTN- Proizvodnja drveta u izdanačkim bukovim šumama za zadovoljenje narastajućih potreba tržišta
dc.sourceGlasnik Šumarskog fakulteta
dc.subjectuzgojne potrebe i meresr
dc.subjectšume bukve mešovitog poreklasr
dc.subjectrazvoj i prirast stabalasr
dc.subjectproizvodnost sastojinesr
dc.subjecttree development and incrementen
dc.subjectstand productivityen
dc.subjectsilvicultural demands and measuresen
dc.subjectbeech forests of mixed originen
dc.titleStanje sastojina, uzgojne potrebe i mere u šumama bukve mešovitog porekla na području Boljevcasr
dc.titleStand state, silvicultural demands and measures in beech forests of mixed origin in Boljevac areaen
dc.citation.other(89): 171-183

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