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dc.creatorPetrović, Slavica
dc.description.abstractAt a time when there is extremely high pressure on all kinds of resources on Earth, the issue of product lifetime is becoming increasingly important. That is why the linear economy, which is based on the concept of using the product, and throwing it away, has long since begun to give way to the circular economy. The circular economy is not a new concept of business in the production of wooden floors. For many years, wooden floors have been made from antique wood, i.e. over a hundred years old wood. Antique wood originating from dilapidated housing facilities, barns, warehouses, military barracks is most often used for the production of floors. In addition, thanks to its technical characteristics, wood flooring can be repaired several times, which prolongs its lifetime. Being in accordance with the principles of the circular economy and raising the awareness of the population about environmental protection, antique wood floorings are nowadays better positioned on the market.en
dc.publisherInternational Association for Economics, Management, Marketing, Quality and Huma Resources in Forestry and Forest Based Industry - WoodEMA, i.a.
dc.source15th International Scientific Conference WoodEMA 2022 - Crisis Management and Safety Foresight in Forest-Based Sector and SMES Operating in the Global Environment
dc.subjectrepaired wood flooringen
dc.subjectreclaimed wood flooringen
dc.subjectcircular economyen
dc.subjectantique wood flooringen
dc.titleProduction of antique wooden floors based on the principles of circular economyen
dc.citation.other: 327-332

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